Synopsis of Anime Film A Silent Voice, Shouya Isida’s Regret -Here is a synopsis of the anime film ” Koe no Katachi “, also known as “A Silent Voice”, which is based on the manga of the same title.
The anime film “A Silent Voice” was released on September 17, 2016 and was produced by Kyoto Animation , with the Drama genre and received several awards, and has a Romantic Subtext theme, and a Shounen demographic.
The duration of “A Silent Voice” is 2 hours 10 minutes.
The anime film “A Silent Voice” has won a number of awards, including the Japanese Movie Critics Award for Best Animation Feature Film in 2016, the Japanese Academy Award for Excellent Animation of the Year in 2016, and the Tokyo Anime Award Festival for Anime of the Year and Best Screenplay/Original Story in 2017.
The cast of “A Silent Voice” includes Saori Hayami as Shouko Nishimiya, Miyu Irino as Shouya Ishida, Aoi Yuuki as Yuzuru Nishimiya, Yuuki Kaneko as Naoka Ueno, and Kensho Ono as Tomohiro Nagatsuka.
Then there is Erena Kamata as Maria Ishida, Ryuunosuke Watanuki as Pedro, Satsuki Yukino as Miyako Ishida, Yui Ishikawa as Miyoko Sahara, and Toshiyuki Toyonaga as Satoshi Mashiba.
For those who want to watch the anime film “A Silent Voice”, it can be watched on Netflix.
Synopsis of the anime film A Silent Voice
anime film A Silent Voice tells the story of a wild young man, elementary school student Shouya Ishida trying to overcome his boredom in the most cruel way. When Shouko Nishimiya, a deaf girl, transfers into his class, Shouya and his entire class mindlessly bully her just for fun.
However, when Shouko’s mother told the school, Shouya was suddenly ostracized and he was blamed for everything that happened to him. With Shouko moving out of school, Shouya was left at the mercy of his classmates. He was heartlessly ostracized throughout elementary school and middle school, while his teachers simply turned a blind eye.
Now in his third year of high school, Shouya is still troubled by his childhood mistakes. Sincerely regretting his past actions, he begins his journey to meet Shouko once again and atone for his mistakes.***