Synopsis of the Anime Series Rising Impact, a Story About an Ordinary Student Becoming a Professional Golfer – Anime lovers , let’s gather! Netflix presents the latest anime series titled Rising Impact . This series will take us on an exciting adventure in achieving the dream of becoming a professional golfer.
The Rising Impact anime is adapted from Nakaba Suzuki’s manga . The manga spans 17 volumes, and was published between 1998 and 2002. It tells the epic adventure story of Gawain Nanaumi in pursuing his ambitions in the world of golf.
Rising Impact is not only about the ambition to achieve dreams. But also about hard work, persistence, and close friendship that colors Gawain’s journey.
On the other hand, he has to face various challenges to achieve his dream. What is the story like? Here is the synopsis of Rising Impact .
Sinopsis Serial Rising Impact
Rising Impact tells the story of Gawain Nanaumi, a third-year high school student who initially loves baseball. Everything changes when he meets a professional golfer named Kiria Nishino.
After that meeting, Gawain realized that golf could give him a tremendous advantage in shooting the ball further than any other sport.
Using the physical strength and intelligence he developed during his life in the village, Gawain is able to hit the ball an incredible distance, even on par with professional players.
Together with Kiria, Gawain then enrolls in Camelot Academy, a prestigious school for talented golfers from all over the world. He is determined to realize his dream of becoming the best professional golfer.
However, the journey is not easy. Gawain must compete with other golf prodigies who try to block his path. He must face various challenges and obstacles that test his skills and determination.
Can Gawain conquer the other golfers? What challenges will Gawain face in the future?
Find the answer in the anime series Rising Impact which has been airing since June 22, 2024. Prepare your favorite snacks and drinks, to accompany you in enjoying each episode of this series! (*).