Pengakuan Eiichiro Oda Usai Gambar Sampul Volume Terakhir Dragon Ball

Mangaka One Piece, Eiichiro Oda, baru-baru ini mengungkapkan pengakuan yang menyentuh setelah menggambar ulang sampul dari volume terakhir serial Dragon Ball.

Dragon Ball– Mangaka One Piece, Eiichiro Oda, baru-baru ini mengungkapkan pengakuan yang menyentuh setelah menggambar ulang sampul dari volume terakhir serial Dragon Ball. Gambar ulang untuk volume ke-42 ini merupakan bagian dari proyek Galeri Dragon Ball Super, yang dimulai sejak 2021.

Untuk merayakan ulang tahun ke-40 Dragon Ball, proyek ini melibatkan 40 komikus ternama dari Jepang, yang masing-masing diberi kebebasan untuk menggambar sampul volume yang mereka pilih dengan gaya mereka sendiri. Dragon Ball, karya legendaris Akira Toriyama, memang telah memengaruhi banyak komikus muda, termasuk Eiichiro Oda, yang sejak kecil mengagumi karya Toriyama dan terinspirasi oleh kisah Goku dan teman-temannya.

Pengakuan Emosional Oda

Dalam gambar sampul yang ia buat untuk Dragon Ball volume ke-42, Oda menyelipkan sebuah pesan di sisi kanan sampul yang menyentuh hati. “Saya membeli volume pertama dari serial manga Dragon Ball ketika saya masih SD, tapi saya tidak membeli volume kedua. Saya selalu membaca chapter demi chapter di Weekly Shonen Jump (WSJ), dan ketika volume terakhir rilis, saya pergi ke toko buku dan melihatnya. Tapi saya tidak membelinya,” tulis Oda.

Ia melanjutkan, “Saya berterima kasih telah diberikan kesempatan untuk menggambar ulang. Dan sekarang, saya berharap dapat membeli volume ini saat Akira Toriyama-sensei masih hidup.”

Dragon Ball Volume 42 dan Sentuhan Oda

Volume ke-42 dari Dragon Ball menandai berakhirnya Saga Majin Buu, dan dalam versi gambar ulang Oda, Goku digambarkan melambaikan tangan selamat tinggal kepada penggemar. Meskipun gaya seni Oda agak berbeda dari Toriyama, ada sentuhan unik yang bisa dilihat, seperti perubahan di karakter Robotoriyama yang kini mengemudikan piring terbang, menggantikan posisi Majin Buu.

Sejak 2021, proyek Galeri Dragon Ball Super meluncurkan sampul baru setiap bulan di majalah V Jump. Setiap edisi menampilkan interpretasi yang berbeda dari komikus-komikus besar, yang sebelumnya juga melibatkan kreator dari berbagai serial terkenal seperti Naruto, Bleach, Jujutsu Kaisen, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, hingga Hunter x Hunter.

Kehilangan Akira Toriyama

Pada Maret 2024, dunia manga Jepang dikejutkan dengan kabar meninggalnya Akira Toriyama, pencipta Dragon Ball, yang menjadi momen paling menyedihkan dalam industri komik Jepang. Toriyama bukan hanya mengukir sejarah dengan karyanya, tetapi juga telah meninggalkan warisan yang menginspirasi banyak generasi komikus di seluruh dunia.

Pengakuan Eiichiro Oda ini semakin menggarisbawahi betapa besar pengaruh Dragon Ball dan Akira Toriyama dalam perjalanan karirnya sebagai seorang mangaka.



















Dragon Ball Producer Confirms Super Hero Only Exists to Give Piccolo a New Form

Akio Iyoku, the executive producer of the Dragon Ball franchise, has revealed the true purpose of creating Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. Iyoku, who is overseeing the production of Dragon Ball Daima, revealed how the critically acclaimed 2018 anime movie came to be.

Iyoku was a special guest for the “All Night Nippon – Dragon Ball 40th Anniversary Special” radio show on Jan. 1, 2025. As one would expect from the name, the radio program celebrated the milestone anniversary of the Dragon Ball series by the late Akira Toriyama. Iyoku was one of many guests who appeared on the program. He spoke about recent developments in Dragon Ball Daima and shed some light on past projects, such as Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.

The Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Movie Aimed to Make Piccolo Relevant Again

According to Iyoku, based on notes written by Andy 案太郎 (@/peraperayume) on X (formerly Twitter), Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero was developed to make Piccolo relevant again in the series. With everyone becoming stronger following the events of the Dragon Ball Super TV series and movies like Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Iyoku struggled to figure out what to do with Piccolo. He consulted Akira Toriyama about the next move for Piccolo, which led to the creation of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. As fans know, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero focused on the bond between Piccolo and adult Gohan, as the two former fighters returned to form to stop the resurgence of the Red Ribbon Army. Through the use of the Dragon Balls on Earth, Piccolo achieved a powerful new transformation known as “Orange Piccolo.”

Amusingly, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero recognized the franchise’s heavy reliance on Goku and Vegeta and intentionally sidelined the characters so Piccolo and Gohon could be the stars of the show. The film also featured Pan, the daughter of Gohan and Videl, who had been training under Piccolo like Gohan did when he was a child, albeit under a much softer training regime. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero was also the first time the franchise was fully animated as a CG-animated feature film. However, the opening sequence recapping the early history of the Red Ribbon Army was traditionally animated under the guidance of Chikashi Kubota. Kubota is also the chief animation director of Dragon Ball Daima and was responsible for the Dragon Ball Z flashback scenes in Daima Episode 1.

Although Piccolo’s role in Dragon Ball Daima isn’t as vital as in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, he hasn’t been completely sidelined in the new anime TV series. For starters, the demonic origins of the Namekian race have been reinstated in Daima, while explaining how Piccolo’s people came to live on other planets in Universe 7. Daima also revealed a shocking connection between the Namekians and the Glinds — the demon race of the Supreme Kai. A long-forgotten lore detail about Piccolo’s father — not the Demon King Piccolo that current Piccolo is a reincarnation of — was also brought back into the limelight by Daima.

Among these fascinating revelations regarding Piccolo is the unflattering development of forgetting his native language after living on Earth for so long. He also hasn’t had a standout fight in Daima so far. Granted, it took 12 episodes for Vegeta to finally get his moment, so it’s not over for Piccolo yet — especially when as of writing, it’s unclear how many episodes Dragon Ball Daima will have or how long the series will run.

No Matter What Shueisha Says, GT Doesn’t Fit Into The Story Toriyama Personally Wrote

Shueisha has every reason to consider GT canon, because they partly own the rights to it. It makes sense that GT would be included in a timeline meant to depict where each of the main Dragon Ball anime series have taken place in regard to the series’ continuity. However, Shueisha has no skin in the game if GT doesn’t technically fit into the actual storyline created by Akira Toriyama. In fact, by including GT at the end of the timeline, Shueisha inadavertantly perpetuated the issues that fans have had with considering GT canon ever since Toriyama definitively continued the true story of Dragon Ball with Dragon Ball Super.

There are a number of problems with the story of GT fitting in with the canon of Dragon Ball in a post-Super world. The most obvious problem with GT coming after Super is that none of the major events or characters of Super are referenced in GT. Of course, there’s no way they could be, because Super wasn’t even thought-up until long after GT. Nevertheless, that doesn’t help GT’s case.

This also ties into the second major issue with GT being canon, and that’s the extreme down-grade in power-scaling. Super infamously opened with Goku and Beerus’ punches potentially destroying the Universe, but there’s no indication of anything near that level of power in GT. Again, even that issue could be hand-waved away because Super has a number of fights after the battle with Beerus that don’t destroy the Universe with each punch. Even so, Super’s scale of conflict remains an issue of Universal proportions, which is something that only the Shadow Dragon Saga really comes anywhere close to approaching.

A final reason GT does not fit into the continuity after Super is the storyline of GT itself. The entire events of GT occur when Emperor Pilaf seeks the Dragon Balls as an old man. This directly contradicts what happens in Super, in which the Pilaf Gang are turned into children. Of course, Pilaf could’ve somehow be turned into an old person using the Dragon Balls at the end of Super, but there’s no reason for that to be the case.

Toriyama originally intended Dragon Ball and Goku’s personal story to definitively end with the Peaceful World Saga. Still, there’e no real reason these continuity issues couldn’t be addressed in a revamp of GT by a new mangaka, making it more feasible to fit into the series’ canon. However, even if that were to happen, being that the series’ original creator won’t be able to have a direct role in the writing of that story, it’s place in canon would unfortunately always be called into question.

Keyword Terkait:

What Canon Actually Means And Why it Can’t Be Applied to GT

Fans have argued about whether GT is canon for decades, so the discussion is unlikely to be settled anytime soon. Part of the issue is that the word “canon” can sometimes get muddled, because its use by fandoms is often not very precise. In a case such as that of GT, it’s worth defining what canon actually is. The word “canon” is derived from the Greek word kanōn, meaning “rule.” In the most basic sense of the word, canon is the “rule” rather than the exception.

In academia, the word canon is often used to refer to holy scriptures that are seen as the “true” works of scripture, as in “the biblical canon.” This term has come to be extended into fiction fandoms to mean something quite similar: the “sacred” and genuine pieces of literature that make up the true work of said fictional universe. This is especially important in series with many spin-offs and fan fictions, because fans often want to differentiate between what is genuinely the work of the creator in the universe they intended, and what is an off-shoot of that universe created by someone else. In other words, the rule instead of the exception.

In this sense, Dragon Ball GT can never be considered genuinely canon, because it’s not a work that the “God” of the Dragon Ball Universe, Akira Toriyama, personally created.

If canon is considered a work that is a “true” part of the series, it should at the very least be crafted by the actual creator of the series. Unfortunately, as Toriyama said himself, he didn’t put very much into the production of GT, instead choosing to leave “everything, including the story, up to the people on the anime staff.” This is in contrast to his work on other, more recent series, like Super and DAIMA. Toriyama was heavily involved in the writing, character designs and concepts in both Super and DAIMA, making them the most definitely canon pieces of Dragon Ball media to date other than the series’ original run.

No, Dragon Ball GT is Not Officially Canon

The question of Dragon Ball GT’s canonicity is as old as the hyperbolic time chamber itself. Even before Super was released and completely upended the continuity of GT, the fact the series wasn’t a part of Akira Toriyama’s original manga, and its story wasn’t directly created by him, led most fans to consider it as an entirely separate timeline. Even so, diehard GT fans have still sworn by the fact that the series is canon despite all evidence pointing to the contrary – until now.

Recently, Shuiesha’s Dragon Ball timeline, which includes GT at the end, resurfaced online, causing many fans online to insist that GT is now officially confirmed to be canon. There’s no denying this is the best argument yet for the series’ canonicity, but unfortunately, it’s far from a shocking revelation. There are still plenty of reasons to conclude that GT isn’t canon just yet, and Shueisha’s timeline hasn’t done anything to change what’s been definitively known about Dragon Ball’s actual timeline continuity for years.

How the Shueisha Timeline Seemed to “Officially” Confirm GT Was Canon

The biggest catalyst behind the recent insistence on the “official” canonical status of GT is due to the “new” Dragon Ball anime timeline revealed by Shueisha. This timeline is actually not technically new at all, though; it was posted all the way back in 2017 at an event in Japan called Dragon Ball Tenkaichi Budosai. The reason this became relevant again is because an image of the timeline taken at the event was posted and spread online sometime around 2022, and then again as recently as March 2024.

Importantly, Shueisha is the parent company of Shonen Jump, the magazine in which Dragon Ball was first published. This gives Shuiesha’s word on the matter a particular perception of weight to most fans. The 2017 Shueisha timeline depicts the entire events of the original Dragon Ball series through DBZ, and also includes Dragon Ball Super as occurring prior to the final Peaceful World Saga of DBZ. This is all to be expected, as it in no way conflicts with anything fans knew about the series’ canon before. However, the biggest shock of this new timeline was that it includes Dragon Ball GT at the very end.

The inclusion of GT in the timeline shouldn’t be ignored, but it doesn’t particularly change anything fans know about the series, as GT was always meant to take place after DBZ. The only thing that makes this version of the timeline important is that it’s presented by the original publishers of Dragon Ball. Placing GT in the same continuity as Dragon Ball Super might look like a bold move by Shueisha, but it should be by no means shocking to veteran fans of the series. After all, Shueisha still owns partial rights to the Dragon Ball IP, including GT, so the company has a vested interest in acknowledging it alongside the other entries in the franchise over the years. In that sense, it’s no surprise that Shueisha would want to acknowledge GT in its timeline, but this acknowledgment is certainly not the canon-changing revelation that many have suggested it may be.

Majin Kuu and Majin Duu Are the Children of Majin Buu

As a pseudo-sequel to the Buu Saga, Dragon Ball DAIMA has further extended Majin Buu’s family tree. This expansion comes courtesy of Dr. Arinsu, the older sister of Nahare, the only surviving Supreme Kai following the original battle against Buu, and Degesu, the right-hand man of Supreme King Gomah. The newest Dragon Ball anime has retconned Arinsu to have been present on Earth during the Z-Warriors’ battle against Fat Buu. While there, Arinsu collects a piece of Majin Buu’s essence, after Buu was blasted into thousands of tiny pieces by Vegeta’s Final Explosion.

A scientific genius who dreams of ruling over the Demon Realm as Supreme King, Arinsu enlists the help of Mabra to help her grow her essence of Majin Buu into fighters even stronger than Buu. To ensure loyalty, which Buu never had, Arinsu’s Majin aren’t solely made from Buu’s essence, but from Arinsu’s saliva, and Saibaman seeds. While the new Majin are most certainly loyal, it’s equally clear that they don’t live up to Arinsu’s expectations of being more powerful than Buu.

The first Majin Arinsu and Marba create is Majin Kuu. Despite making an impressive first appearance, Kuu proved himself to be nothing like what Arinsu was hoping for immediately afterward. Kuu is whiny, overly silly, cowardly, and not even strong enough to combat the Tamagami. Kuu’s most positive quality only comes out after Arinsu realizes he isn’t going to cut it, and uses all the essence of Buu she has left to create Majin Duu. For all his faults, Kuu loves his little brother, and is supportive of him from the moment he’s born. Duu himself is largely non-verbal and obsessed with eating, but he’s also infinitely more powerful than his little brother, capable of holding his own against Tamagami 1.

While they aren’t strictly canon, it’s also worth noting that both Dragon Ball Online and Dragon Ball FighterZ both expand upon Buu’s family tree, and that both of these video games can boast having had direct involvement from Akira Toriyama. In Dragon Ball Online, Fat Buu is revealed to have once again reproduced asexually, this time to create Miss Buu. Meanwhile, in Dragon Ball FighterZ, the main villain of the game, Android 21, bares the appearance of a Majin because Buu’s cells were used in her creation.

Majin Buu is a weird, ridiculous character, but that’s part of why fans love him so much, and it’s only right that his family tree is equally strange. Most of his familial relationships are non-traditional and difficult to describe, especially with several of his family members being alternate versions of himself. It’s unclear how much longer Dragon Ball DAIMA will go on but, hopefully, it won’t conclude before Buu gets to meet his true mother, his new pseudo-children, and any other Majin Arinsu manages to cook up before the anime reaches its finale.

Dragon Ball DAIMA: Majin Family Tree, Explained

Majin Buu has become increasingly important throughout the history of Dragon Ball. Initially the final main villain of Dragon Ball Z, he’s since become a member of the Z-Warriors, and he’s served as the inspiration for many other characters and storylines. Because of his heightened prominence, and the prominence of the Majin in general, his family tree has expanded beyond what was initially presented to fans.

After years of non-canon material detailing Buu’s background, Dragon Ball DAIMA has added new details to Majin Buu’s family tree. His creator is no longer who fans believed them to be, and new Majin characters born from his essence have entered the picture. It’s possible that Buu’s family tree will continue to grow before DAIMA reaches its conclusion.

Bibidi, Babidi, and Marba Are The Majin Sorcerers Connected to Buu

In Dragon Ball Z, Bibidi was presented as the demonic creator of Majin Buu. It was said that, millions of years prior to the start of the series, the demon sorcerer created Buu to serve as his weapon, and to conquer the universe for him. While Bibidi is exactly as evil and ruthless as DBZ described, he didn’t actually create Buu. Bibidi merely took credit for his creation, as his true creator didn’t wish to be tied to the rampage Buu when on in the Demon Realm.

Bibidi’s relationship with Babidi, a major villain in the Buu Saga, is a common source of confusion for fans. Some believe Babidi to be Bibidi’s son, while others see him as a clone of Bibidi. These debates are similar to those regarding the relationship between King Piccolo and Piccolo Jr. It’s ultimately an unimportant distinction, and a fan’s interpretation is entirely based on what they value most. Those who care most about the content of the manga and anime see Babidi as Bididi’s son, while those who place weight on the late Akira Toriyama’s statements about the canon see Babidi as Bibidi’s clone.

It isn’t hard to understand the reading that Babidi is a clone, as his personality and goals are identical to Bibidi’s. Babidi has never created any new life, instead using his magic to corrupt the hearts of warriors like Vegeta, Dabura, and Pui Pui, and forcing them to fight for him. In Dragon Ball DAIMAviewers have been introduced to the true creator of Majin Buu, Marba. Marba is a sorceress who currently resides in the First Demon World. While she’s seemingly spent the last several million years living a quiet life, she now works for Dr. Arinsu, cooking up new Majins to help her conquer the Demon Realm in exchange for a position of privilege within Arinsu’s regime.

Can Goku Defeat the Tamagami at His Current Power Level?

Being that Dabura was stronger than Super Perfect Cell, and the Tamagami are even stronger than Dabura, there’s no telling where the limits of the Tamagamis’ power lie. If anyone is strong enough to push the Tamagami to their limits, though, it would be Goku. As powerful as Dabura was during the Buu Saga, he was still nothing to Majin Buu. That’s what was so shocking for King Gomah, because witnessing Goku defeat Buu meant that there was a new balance of power in the Universe.

To protect his status, Gomah sought to weaken Goku by turning him into a child, and the true test of whether that plan was a success will finally be revealed when Goku fights Tamagami number 3 in DAIMA Episode 8. The episode preview at the end of Episode 7 did show Goku going toe-to-toe with the Tamagami while still in his base from, perhaps implying that the stories about the Tamagami are all just baseless gossip. On the other hand, the Tamagami could be hiding some hidden ability, or even a special transformation that could give it an astronomical power-up far beyond even a Super Saiyan.

Goku has been shown to be weakened in several ways throughout DAIMA, but he was never forced to truly push his limits in any fight he took part in. The fight against Tamagami Three will be the first true test to see how much power Goku actually lost after becoming a child from King Gomah’s wish. If Goku somehow defeats the Tamagami in his Mini form, it would mean that Gomah’s plan to weaken Goku enough to make him less of a threat didn’t actually work out in the way he intended it to. Mini Goku would still be stronger than the previous Demon King, and ultimately even stronger than Super Perfect Cell, so Gomah’s plan would have been far less effective than anyone thought.

Keyword Terkait:

Dragon Ball DAIMA Confirms the Tamagami Are Officially Stronger Than Super Perfect Cell

DAIMA may be a more lighthearted adventure that leans into early Dragon Ball’s Journey to the West roots, but it hasn’t strayed from what makes the series so popular: the action. To that end, the anime has introduced exciting new characters with incredible power levels and abilities. Glorio’s lightning magic and King Gomah’s hidden power have made a stir, but by far, the most powerful of DAIMA’s new characters has actually been the Legendary Namek, Neva. While his sheer control over the Dragon Balls even put Kami and Dende to shame, Neva’s most impressive feat thus far was definitely his capacity to create the overwhelmingly powerful life forms known as the Tamagami.

The three Tamagami are the guardians of the Demon Realm’s three Dragon Balls, and their unbelievable strength is hinted by the fact of how successful they’ve been in preventing anyone from gathering them all and making a wish. DAIMA Episode 7, “Collar”, further confirmed this power for anyone who still had doubts, as Panzy’s comments suggest the Tamagami could even be more powerful than DBZ’s second-strongest major villain: Super Perfect Cell.

How Strong Are The Tamagami in Dragon Ball DAIMA?

In Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 7, Goku finally prepares to challenge the Tamagami of Demon World 3. That said, Panzy thinks he may be in over his head. Panzy tells Goku that she once heard a rumor that even Dabura couldn’t beat the Tamagami, insinuating that if the prior Demon King couldn’t beat it, no one could. While this appears to only just be hearsay, it definitely checks out with what has been revealed about the Tamagami so far.

In DAIMA Episode 1, “Conspiracy”, King Gomah traveled to Earth to use the Earth Dragon Balls to make a wish. The only reason he had to travel all the way there was because his own Realm’s Dragon Balls were all-but-inaccessible to him. When Gomah first suggests they use the Dragon Balls to Degesu, even Degesu is utterly dumbfounded that Gomah would suggest such a thing, because the Dragon Balls were guarded by the terrifying three Tamagami.

As is later revealed, the Tamagami were created by the Legendary Namek, Neva, in order to protect the three Demon Realm Dragon Balls he created. It’s unclear exactly why he did this, but it seems that he didn’t want them to fall into the hands of someone who was unworthy of making a wish on them. Whatever Neva’s reason for creating them, the Tamagami were so strong that no one in the Demon Realm was even able to make a wish on them.

Considering that even Dabura was unable to defeat the Tamagami, it makes sense that no one else in the Demon Realm would either. After all, Dabura was one of the most powerful characters in DBZ, to the point that he could’ve even gave the Z Fighters trouble. When he first saw Dabura, Goku even stated that Dabura was “about the same” in terms of power as Cell. While he and Vegeta had far surpassed their power levels from the time of the Cell Games at that point, Dabura’s unique abilities still made him a problem that no one other than Goku and Vegeta was ready to handle.

Dragon Ball DAIMA: Is Mini Vegeta Weaker Than Goku?

One of the most iconic elements of Dragon Ball is the rivalry between Goku and Vegeta. In recent episodes of Dragon Ball DAIMA, this iconic relationship has become the most prominent it’s been since the start of the anime. This has naturally gotten fans to ask the classic question of which Super Saiyan is stronger.

The main hook of the newest Dragon Ball series is that all the main characters have been turned into children. Through the fights they’ve engaged in against demons and Tamagamis, it’s become apparent what effects this has had on their power levels. Vegeta is always aiming to become stronger than Goku, and Dragon Ball DAIMA has made clear if he’s succeeded or not.

Goku is Much Stronger Than Vegeta at the End of Dragon Ball Z

“You are No. 1.” In the original version of Dragon Ball Z, this is Vegeta’s assessment of Goku at the end of the series, and for good reason. From the moment Vegeta is introduced, there is never a single point in the anime where the two Saiyans are on the same level. And while the imbalance is occasionally in Vegeta’s favor, he fails to ever come close to Goku’s level again after Goku trains in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

When Goku returns to Earth in the Buu Saga for the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, it’s after 7 years of training in Other World. In this time, he not only unlocks the Super Saiyan 2 transformation originally discovered by Gohan, but the brand-new Super Saiyan 3 form. Just like the gap in power between Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2, the gap between Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 is monumental, and it’s one Vegeta is never able to overcome. Even with the power of both Super Saiyan 2 and Babidi’s enhancements, Vegeta still would have been demolished by Goku during their rematch, had Goku actually used Super Saiyan 3. This is made evident by their respective performances against Fat Buu. Vegeta throws everything he has at Buu, and even blows himself up, but fails to do any actual damage, while Goku would have killed Buu without any issue if not for his time on Earth running out.

By the time the final battle against Kid Buu arrives, Goku and Vegeta’s distinct goals during their turns taking him on speak volumes. Using the incredible power of Super Saiyan 3, Goku aims to kill Buu, and has more than enough power to do so, but his inability to maintain Super Saiyan 3 for too long prevents him from succeeding. By contrast, Vegeta merely fights Buu to stall for time, having absolutely no faith in his ability to win, and just trusting that Goku’s Spirit Bomb will get the job done. This is the status quo Goku and Vegeta find themselves in going into Dragon Ball DAIMA, as the new series is set only a short time after the end of DBZ.

































































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