Synopsis of Kimi no Na wa or Your Name, an anime that drains emotions – The animated film ” Kimi no Na wa ” or in English entitled “Your Name” was released in 2016. Kimi no Na wa is the anime with the biggest income in history, generating 380 million USD. So, there are a lot of fans of this anime.
“Kimi no Na wa” is a work by Makoto Shinkai which tells the story of the romance between Mitsuha Miyamizu and Taki Tachibana which is associated with a strange phenomenon, triggered by the natural disaster of a meteor explosion in one of the regions of Japan, namely Mitsuha Miyamizu’s home village. The story is presented well and drains the audience’s emotions. Are you curious about the story of the anime “Kimi no Na wa“? Come on, take a look at the following review!
Sinopsis anime “Kimi no Na wa”
There are two main characters in the animated film “Kimi No Na wa”, namely Mitsuha Miyamizu who lives in the countryside and Taki Tachibana who lives in Tokyo. There are also a number of supporting characters who make the story even more interesting. They are both high school students at their respective schools. Mitsuha is described as a passionate girl born into a family of Sinto believers. Meanwhile, Taki Tachibana has a different lifestyle as a teenager in the capital city of Tokyo as is now the case.
This anime combines the fantasy and romantic genres to make it more interesting. The anime “Kimi no Na wa” begins with Mitsuha waking up from her sleep and finding her soul in another person’s body, namely the body of Taki Tachibana in Tokyo. Mitsuha and Taki don’t know each other, but they make notes in various places so that when their bodies return to normal, they can know the things they have done during that time.
They finally realized that their souls always switched bodies when they woke up. However, one day the two of them no longer exchanged bodies, so Taki became curious and decided to look for Mitsuha in Itomori village. Unfortunately, Taki finally discovered the fact that Mitsuha’s Itomori village had disappeared several years ago due to being hit by a comet and Mitsuha was on the list of victims of the disaster.
So, what’s the continuation of the anime “Kimi no Na wa”? Don’t forget to watch this animated film legally.
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