DAIMA may be a more lighthearted adventure that leans into early Dragon Ball’s Journey to the West roots, but it hasn’t strayed from what makes the series so popular: the action. To that end, the anime has introduced exciting new characters with incredible power levels and abilities. Glorio’s lightning magic and King Gomah’s hidden power have made a stir, but by far, the most powerful of DAIMA’s new characters has actually been the Legendary Namek, Neva. While his sheer control over the Dragon Balls even put Kami and Dende to shame, Neva’s most impressive feat thus far was definitely his capacity to create the overwhelmingly powerful life forms known as the Tamagami.
The three Tamagami are the guardians of the Demon Realm’s three Dragon Balls, and their unbelievable strength is hinted by the fact of how successful they’ve been in preventing anyone from gathering them all and making a wish. DAIMA Episode 7, “Collar”, further confirmed this power for anyone who still had doubts, as Panzy’s comments suggest the Tamagami could even be more powerful than DBZ’s second-strongest major villain: Super Perfect Cell.
How Strong Are The Tamagami in Dragon Ball DAIMA?
In Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 7, Goku finally prepares to challenge the Tamagami of Demon World 3. That said, Panzy thinks he may be in over his head. Panzy tells Goku that she once heard a rumor that even Dabura couldn’t beat the Tamagami, insinuating that if the prior Demon King couldn’t beat it, no one could. While this appears to only just be hearsay, it definitely checks out with what has been revealed about the Tamagami so far.
In DAIMA Episode 1, “Conspiracy”, King Gomah traveled to Earth to use the Earth Dragon Balls to make a wish. The only reason he had to travel all the way there was because his own Realm’s Dragon Balls were all-but-inaccessible to him. When Gomah first suggests they use the Dragon Balls to Degesu, even Degesu is utterly dumbfounded that Gomah would suggest such a thing, because the Dragon Balls were guarded by the terrifying three Tamagami.
As is later revealed, the Tamagami were created by the Legendary Namek, Neva, in order to protect the three Demon Realm Dragon Balls he created. It’s unclear exactly why he did this, but it seems that he didn’t want them to fall into the hands of someone who was unworthy of making a wish on them. Whatever Neva’s reason for creating them, the Tamagami were so strong that no one in the Demon Realm was even able to make a wish on them.
Considering that even Dabura was unable to defeat the Tamagami, it makes sense that no one else in the Demon Realm would either. After all, Dabura was one of the most powerful characters in DBZ, to the point that he could’ve even gave the Z Fighters trouble. When he first saw Dabura, Goku even stated that Dabura was “about the same” in terms of power as Cell. While he and Vegeta had far surpassed their power levels from the time of the Cell Games at that point, Dabura’s unique abilities still made him a problem that no one other than Goku and Vegeta was ready to handle.