‘ Plunderer ‘, an anime created by mangaka Suu Minazuki and Studio Geek Toys, presents a post- apocalyptic world that holds a very strong principle of equality. Every individual has a value on their body, which determines the value of one’s life.
This anime series follows the story of a girl named Hina who seeks advice from her missing father, and at that time meets Licht, a fugitive and World War hero.
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The story of ‘Plunderer’ can be said to be very unique, unlike other anime that are usually on the market. This is because the story background is very different from the usual environment. The story is built thoroughly using simple elements such as the values that determine a person’s life and the number of steps a person takes. This makes Plunderer’s story fresh and unique.
The main characters in this anime, Hina and Licht, have very interesting and unique characteristics, where they both have different backgrounds. Apart from that, they are also experiencing some changes that are very interesting to follow. Character compositions like this are very rarely found in modern anime.
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Even though Plunderer has some positive aspects, this anime still has some weaknesses. Some episodes feel a little slow and may seem boring. The actual story sometimes seems unclear and detailed, where some fans may be confused by the plot being too full.
However, one of the things that makes Plunderer very interesting is the topic it discusses, where the characters in the story always have to continue fighting to collect their life points. This shows that the value and rewards in our lives must be sought by the efforts and successes we have achieved.
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Plunderer is a fresh and unique anime, and shows a world after the apocalypse that is very different from other anime. For anime fans, ‘Plunderer’ is worth watching. Even though there are several shortcomings, this anime series still has a very strong appeal.
Don’t miss the opportunity to observe the post-apocalyptic world in Plunderer, where the value of life is considered to be the most important aspect in every individual’s life. This is something that should be appreciated for opening our view of the meaning of life.
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