Synopsis of Buddy Daddies, the Latest Original Comedy Anime Series – Animation studio PA Works released one of its anime works in early 2023, namely Buddy Daddies. This original action and comedy series tells the story of two professional assassins who are assigned to take care of a small child.
What is the joke concept offered by this anime? Check out the synopsis for Buddy Daddies and some information related to the anime below.
1. Sinopsis Buddy Daddies
Buddy Daddies tells the story of Kazuki Kurusu and Rei Suwa, Situs Toto two friends who trained as professional hitmen from a young age. Even though they have been good friends since childhood, the characteristics of the two are quite different.
One day, on Christmas Day, Kazuki and Rei met a four year old child named Miri Unasaka who was at a hotel that was in the middle of a gunfight looking for her father who was a slot bet 200 Perak mafia boss. Kazuki and Rei also have to look after Miri.
2. Staff and voice actors
Buddy Daddies is an anime series directed by Yoshiyuki Asai. The character designs in this anime were made by Katsumi Enami. Meanwhile, the person responsible for the sound effects is Yasumasa Koyama.
The opening song for Buddy Daddies is “SHOCK!” by Ayase , while the ending song “My Plan” is sung by DURDN.
A number of professional voice actors also play a role in the Buddy Daddies anime. There are Kouki Uchiyama (Rei Suwa), Toshiyuki Toyonaga (Kazuki Kurusu), Hina Kino (Miri Unasaka), Saima Nakano (Carol), Kazuyuki Okitsu (Atsushi Hayami), and many more.
3. Winter 2023 Release
Buddy Daddies is coming in Winter 2023, to be precise, it was first released on January 7 2023. Like anime series in general, the total duration per episode is 24 minutes. This anime is planned to air for 13 episodes.
That’s the synopsis of Buddy Daddies and some information related to the anime. You can watch this anime on the Crunchyroll platform. Anime fans who like the Spy x Family series are advised to watch Buddy Daddies . How about it, interested?