Synopsis of The Apothecary Diaries Anime, Maomao Becomes an Imperial Apothecary –Here is the synopsis of the anime ” Kusuriya no Hitorigoto ” or also known as “The Apothecary Diaries”. This anime is adapted from a light novel of the same title written by Natsu Hyuuga and illustrated by Touko Shino. The anime adaptation was worked on by OLM and TOHO Animation Studio.
“The Apothecary Diaries” has a drama and mystery genre with a historical and medical theme. This anime was released from October 22, 2023 to March 23, 2024 with a total of 24 episodes, each 22 minutes long.
The opening theme for episodes 1 to 12 is sung by Ryokuoushoku Shakai with the title “Hana ni Natte”, while the ending theme for episodes 1 to 12 is sung by AiNA THE END with the title “Aikotoba”.
Meanwhile, for episodes 13 to 24, the opening theme song is sung by Uru with the title “Ambivalent”, and the ending theme song is sung by wacci with the title “Ai wa Kusuri”.
The cast of “The Apothecary Diaries” includes Aoi Yuuki as Maomao, Takeo Ootsuka as Jinshi, Atsumi Tanezaki as Gyoukyou, and Katsuyuki Konishi as Gaoushun. The cast of the character Loulan is unknown.
In addition, there are Megumi Han as Meimei, Yui Ishikawa as Lihua, Takuya Kirimoto as Lakan Kan, Yuukko Kaida as Ah-Duo, and Ami Koshimizu as Pairin.
For those who want to watch “The Apothecary Diaries”, you can watch it on Netflix.
Maomao is the daughter of an apothecary, who has been uprooted from her peaceful life and sold to the lowest echelon of the imperial court. Now a mere servant, Mamao lives her new life in an ordinary way and hides her vast knowledge of medicine to avoid unwanted attention.
Not long after Maomao’s arrival, the emperor’s babies began to experience serious symptoms almost like a curse had been cast. Maomao was very curious to be able to solve the mystery and so that she would not become the center of attention of the kingdom, she tried to give anonymous tips. However, the eunuch Jinshi knew Maomao’s talent.
In recognition of her talents, Maomao was promoted to the position of lady-in-waiting to the emperor’s favorite concubine, Gyoukyou. As Maomao continued to cure the illnesses that afflicted the people of the imperial court, her pharmaceutical skills quickly became in high demand.