Synopsis of the Japanese animated film ‘Her Blue Sky’ tells the story of the dream of becoming a musician, family and love – The Japanese animated film or anime entitled “Her Blue Sky” or “Sora no Aosa o Shiru Hito yo” is scheduled to be shown on March 11 2020 in Indonesian cinemas.
“Her Blue Sky” is a drama film that highlights a story about family , chasing dreams, and love in adolescence. launched from the page on Sunday (8/3/2020), this film tells the story of a student in his second year named Aoi Aioi, who dreams of becoming a musician.
He lives with his older sister, Akane Aioi. Both of their parents died in an accident 13 years ago.
Akane gives up her ambition to go to Tokyo with her ex-boyfriend Shinnosuke Kanomura, who wants to become a guitarist, in order to care for Aoi.
Since then, Aoi feels indebted to her brother. One day, he was invited to perform at a music festival as a freelance musician for a famous singer named Dankichi Nitobe.
At the same time, Shinnosuke returns to Aoi and Akane’s town after a long time.
Then, Shinno mysteriously appears, who is actually Shinnosuke from 13 years ago.
And Aoi falls in love for the first time.
“Her Blue Sky” is directed by Tatsuyuki Nagai, who worked on “Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day” and produced by CloverWork Studio.
This film was shown in Japanese cinemas on October 11 2019 and will only be available in Indonesian cinemas on March 11.
Aktor dan aktris yang menjadi pengisi suara dari film ini adalah Ryo Yoshizawa (Shinnosuke Kanomura), Shion Wakayama (Aoi Aioi), Riho Yoshioka (Akane Aioi), Fukushi Ochiai (Masamichi Nakamura), Atsumi Tanezaki (Chika Otaki), Yō Taichi (Masatsugu ), dan Ken Matsudaira (Dankichi Nitobe).
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