Synopsis of the Kakegurui Anime and its Characters – Recentlyanime has become one of the most popular shows. The characters and interesting storylines make anime have many fans. Quoted from the book entitled How to Review Anime, Manga and Waifu: Be Yourself by Nahason Bastin (2020: 18) anime is an abbreviation of “animation”. Anime is animation from Japan drawn using computer technology. There are many popular anime titles, one of which is the anime entitled Kakegurui
The Kakegurui anime is an adaptation ofmanga written by Homura Kawamoto. The Kakegurui anime was first released on July 1 2017 by studio MAPPA. This anime, which has 12 episodes, has the genres of game, mystery, psychological, drama, school and Shounen (boys).
Kakegurui Anime Synopsis
For reference if you are just starting to watch this popular anime, here it issynopsisKakegurui anime and the characters of the story.
Kakeguruo tells the story of Hyakkaou Private Academy which unlike many schools in general, Hyakkaou Private Academy prepares students for their time in the real world. Since many of the students are the children of the richest people in the world, the academy has customs that set it apart from others. During the day, it is a normal school, educating its students in history, languages, and the like. But at night, the place turns into a gambling den, educating them in the art of dealing with money and manipulating people. Money is power; those who emerge victorious in the game stand at the top of the school.
Yumeko Jabami, a seemingly naive and beautiful transfer student, is ready to try out Hyakkaou’s special curriculum. Unlike others, he doesn’t play to win, but for the thrill of gambling. At Hyakkaou Private Academy there is a rule of whoever wins reigns supreme. For this reason, Yumeko Jabami created a new rule, from betting for money to betting on self-esteem and even life.