Synopsis of Tokyo Revengers Anime, Hanagaki’s ‘Time Travel’ to the Past – Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — The Tokyo Revengers anime series by director Kouichi Hatsumi is an adaptation of Ken Wakui’s manga of the same title.
Synopsis Tokyo Revengers tells the story of Hanagaki Takemichi’s time travel back to his days in junior high school (SMP).
Carrying the supernatural action drama genre, this anime consists of 24 episodes. Following is the complete synopsis.
Synopsis of Tokyo Revengers
Tokyo Revengers begins the story of a middle school teenager named Hanagaki Takemichi who at that time was living a perfect life.
For him, middle school was the most beautiful phase of his life. He has a beautiful girlfriend, Tachibana Hinata, and there are also great friends around him.
Not only that, Hanagaki’s school days were very colorful and almost always happy all the time. But after graduating from school, Hanagaki seemed like he was no one anymore and his fate was very unfortunate.
Hanagaki’s life changes drastically to become an adult young man who is poor, a loser, and has no clear goals in life.
Hanagaki often compares his fate in life with that of other friends because he is considered luckier than himself.
His lover, Hinata, even had to leave forever after becoming a murder victim due to a cruel clash with the Tokyo Manji Gang and not being able to be rescued.
Even though Takemichi really loves and cares for his girlfriend who has been around for a long time and makes his days more colorful.
In the synopsis of Tokyo Revengers, the magical moment experienced by Hanagaki is also told. One day he was standing still at the station and suddenly his body was pushed towards the tracks when a speeding train ran.
Surprisingly, Hanagaki was not killed or seriously injured. But stay healthy, safe, and actually get a miracle.
After the incident at the train station, Hanagaki experienced time travel back to his middle school days, which he called the most beautiful phase of his life.
Hanagaki also realized that he seemed to have a second chance to improve his destiny in life so that Hanagaki would not become a failure and a loser.
Returning to his teenage years makes Hanagaki set out on a mission to improve his life. One of them saved Hinata from being killed.
Not only that, he also has the biggest dream of living a better life than his previous destiny and being able to be happy with Hinata.
According to Myanimelist , the Tokyo Revengers anime, which aired from April to September 2021, received a rating of 8.13/10.
Whether or not Takemichi will succeed in improving his destiny, you can still watch the full synopsis of Tokyo Revengers via legal streaming services.
You can watch it via Netflix, Bilibili, Crunchyroll, Bahamut anime crazy, or watch it for free on the Muse Indonesia Youtube channel.
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