Synopsis of the Anime The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy, Awakening of the Demon King! – The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy or in Japanese entitled Seiken Gakuin no Maken Tsukai is an anime adapted from a Japanese light novel with a similar title.
The novel was written by Yu Shimizu and illustrated by Asagi Tosaka. Tells the story of the revival of a demon king who becomes a 10 year old boy after sleeping for thousands of years. He enrolls in a monster hunting academy to study humans and their past.
This anime takes us into an epic fight against an evil force that almost destroys everything.
The King of the Undead, Leonis Death Magnus, remaining as the sole survivor of the Dark Lords, realizes that he cannot face his enemies alone.
Having no chance alone against his enemies, Leonis sealed himself deep underground with the intention of reincarnating a thousand years later and rebuilding his demon army because that was the mission given to him by the Goddess of Rebellion.
A young girl named Liselia Ray Crystalia discovers the ancient ruins of Leonis’ tomb.
Accidentally breaking the seal, Leonis awakens after sleeping in the body of a ten year old human child.
Mistaken for a Void refugee, Liselia takes Leonis into her care and Leonis begins his mission to uncover what has happened to the world while he slept.
The Seiken Gakuin no Maken Tsukai anime carries the action, fantasy, reincarnation and school genres . This anime could be a viewing recommendation for you anime fans!
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