The Elusive Samurai Anime Synopsis, Airing July 2024 – Here is a synopsis of the anime “Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi”, also known as “The Elusive Samurai”, where this anime is adapted from the manga by Yuusei Matsui which was serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine from January 25, 2021 to the present.
The anime adaptation of “The Elusive Samurai” is being worked on by CloverWorks with Adventure and Comedy genres and Historical and Samurai themes, and is aimed at the Shounen demographic.
“The Elusive Samurai” is scheduled to air on July 6, 2024.
The cast in “The Elusive Samurai” includes Asaki Yuikawa as Tokiyuki Houjou, Yuuichi Nakamura as Yorishige Suwa, Kikunosuke Toya as Fubuki, and Aoi Yuuki as Genba Kazama.
In addition, there is Mari Hino as Kojirou Nezu, Sayumi Suzushiro as Ayako, Hinako Yano as Shizuku, and the cast for the character Takauji Ashikaga is not yet known.
The Elusive Samurai tells the story of eight-year-old Tokiyuki Houjou, the next successor to the Kamakura Shogunate, a young boy who has no talent for anything other than hide and seek.
One day, his carefree life suddenly changes when Takauji Ashikaga brutally seizes power from the Kamakura, ending their reign.
Tokiyuki is saved by a priest who claims to be a prophetic priest, and he manages to escape with his life. Now he must evade those trying to kill him while recruiting allies who can help him restore the Kamakura Shogunate to its former glory.
The Elusive Samura is set in the Nanboku-chou period of Japanese history, and is a tale of redemption, documenting the life of a forgotten hero who set out to change Japan’s destiny.***