Film Doraemon 2024 Ungkap Visual Perdana dan Judulnya

Kabar bahagia bagi penggemar robot kucing biru bernama Doraemon. Komite produksi waralaba anime Doraemon merilis informasi terbaru terkait proyek film layar lebar ke-43 yang siap tayang tahun 2024.

Sebenarnya, pada tahun ini, mereka baru saja merilis film layar lebar Doraemon ke-42 berjudul Doraemon The Movie: Nobita’s Sky Utopia pada bulan tanggal 3 Maret 2023.

Film layar lebar Doraemon ke-42 pun berhasil meraih sukses besar. Dengan berhasil meraih top 1 dalam minggu pertama penayangannya di Jepang, terjual 542,000 tiket dan pendapatanya senilai 663 juta yen dalam waktu 3 hari pertama.

Anime film layar lebar Doraemon The Movie: Nobita’s Sky Utopia sendiri bakal tayang di Indonesia pada tanggal 19 Juli 2023 mendatang.

Film Doraemon tahun 2024 diperkenalkan

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Pada hari Kamis (6/7), staf produksi anime Doraemon melalui akun twitter resminya (doraemonChannel) mengungkapkan judul film layar lebar ke-43.

Film Doraemon The Movie ke-43 nantinya memiliki judul Doraemon The Movie: Nobita’s Earth Symphony. Mereka telah menjadwalkan film ini pada bulan Maret 2024 mendatang.

Tak hanya itu, mereka juga telah merilis visual terbaru untuk film Doraemon The Movie: Nobita’s Earth Symphony.

Dalam visualnya, terlihat Doraemon berpenampilan seperti konduktor musik.

Film Doraemon ke-43 berjudul Doraemon The Movie: Nobita’s Earth Symphony

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Film layar lebar Doraemon ke-43 ini bakal mengisahkan tentang petualangan Doraemon, Nobita, dan kawan-kawan untuk menyelamatkan bumi dari krisis dengan melantunkan musik yang indah.

Dalam petualangan tersebut Nobita bakal terhubung kawan-kawan baru yang terhubung oleh lantunan musik.

Patut dinantikan perkembangan dari film layar lebar Doraemon ke- 43 ini nantinya.


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5 Fakta Kawaki, “Anak Kandung” Naruto yang Gantikan Posisi Boruto

Naruto Next Generations telah resmi mengakhiri perjalanan Part 1 pada awal Maret 2023 lalu setelah berjalan selama hampir enam tahun. Anime ini pun masih akan terus berlanjut, tapi belum terungkap kapan akan mulai merilis episode terbarunya lagi. Hal ini tentunya menjadi masalah, karena ending dari Boruto Part 1 cukup menggantung dan bikin orang penasaran buat mengetahui kelanjutannya.

Yap, ending dari Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Part 1 memang terbilang sangat mencengangkan. Salah satu karakter yang cukup bikin penonton terkejut pada bagian akhir anime-nya adalah Kawaki yang selama ini kita kenal sebagai mantan anggota Kara yang kemudian menjadi anak adopsinya Naruto Uzumaki, sang Hokage Ketujuh.

Nah, supaya kamu lebih paham tentang ending Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Part 1, simak dulu fakta tentang Kawaki berikut ini!

Fakta Kawaki anime Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

1. Korban kekerasan yang hampir jadi wadahnya Isshiki Otsutsuki

Sejak masih berusia anak-anak, Kawaki sudah merupakan korban tindakan kekerasan dari ayahnya yang merupakan seorang pemabuk. Sang ayah bahkan rela menjual Kawaki kepada seorang biksu bernama Jigen. Namun, kehidupan Kawaki setelah bersama Jigen juga enggak lebih membaik, karena sang biksu ternyata adalah Isshiki dari klan Otsutsuki yang berniat menjadikan Kawaki sebagai wadah reinkarnasinya.

Agar mencapai tujuannya tersebut, Isshiki pun menanamkan segel Karma, medium untuk reinkarnasinya ke dalam tubuh Kawaki. Namun, proses reinkarnasi Isshiki ke tubuh Kawaki masih memerlukan waktu yang sangat lama. Sebab, Kawaki harus melewati berbagai latihan berat hingga siksaan sekalipun agar tubuhnya bisa menjadi kuat sehingga tahan terhadap berbagai kekuatan dahsyat yang Isshiki miliki.

Isshiki pun hampir berhasil menggunakan Kawaki sebagai wadah reinkarnasinya. Sayangnya, rencana ini gagal setelah masa hidup Isshiki keburu habis usai bertarung melawan Naruto sehingga belum sempat menyelesaikan proses transfernya ke dalam tubuh Kawaki. Setelah itu, Kawaki pun akhirnya jadi bebas dari jeratan Isshiki Otsutsuki.

2. Tubuhnya penuh dengan teknologi ninja

Sekadar mengingatkan, Jigen atau Isshiki Otsutsuki merupakan pemimpin dari sebuah organisasi jahat bernama Kara. Pada kelompok tersebut, terdapat pria jenius bernama Amado yang kerap melakukan berbagai macam eksperimen. Salah satu eksperimen tersebut adalah menanamkan teknologi ninja ke dalam setiap tubuh dari anggota Kara, termasuk Kawaki.

Teknologi yang berada dalam tubuh Kawaki memungkinkannya untuk perubahan tertentu terhadap selnya sehingga punya kekuatan super unik layaknya kekkei genkai. Jadi, Kawaki dapat mengubah bagian tubuh tertentunya menjadi berbagai macam bentuk, persis seperti kemampuannya Jugo. Contohnya saat ia mengubah tangan kanannya menjadi besar dan keras sewaktu bertarung dengan Garo.

Lalu, teknologi ninja yang berada dalam tubuhnya juga memungkinkan Kawaki untuk memancarkan ledakan energi yang sangat besar dan juga mematikan. Oh ya, selain untuk menyerang musuh, teknologi ninja yang dalam tubuh Kawaki juga bikin ia bisa melakukan regenerasi sel lebih cepat sehingga dapat lebih mudah sembuh jika mengalami cedera parah sekalipun.

3. Menguasai Shinjutsu berkat segel Karma-nya

Kawaki memang sempat kehilangan segel Karma-nya setelah gagal jadi wadah reinkarnasinya Isshiki Otsutsuki. Namun, berkat eksperimen Amado, Kawaki jadi kembali memiliki segel Karma tanpa harus menjadi tumbal reinkarnasi salah satu anggota klan Otsutsuki. Tak cuma itu, Kawaki bahkan jadi memiliki berbagai kekuatan milik Isshiki Otsutsuki.

Kekuatan Isshiki pun jauh berbeda ketimbang ninja pada umumnya. Jika kekuatan ninja biasa disebut ninjutsu, kekuatan dari Isshiki merupakan shinjutsu. Buat kamu yang belum tahu, shinjutsu adalah teknik tertinggi dalam semesta anime Naruto yang hanya dimiliki para dewa, termasuk klan Otsutsuki. Bahkan, shinjutsu merupakan “bapak” dari lahirnya berbagai teknik jutsu lainnya, termasuk ninjutsu.

Artinya, Kawaki kini sudah memiliki kekuatan setara dewa dan bahkan layak mendapat sebutan sebagai karakter utama terkuat pada anime Boruto untuk saat ini. Salah satu teknik shinjutsu andalan Kawaki adalah Sukunahikona yang membuatnya bisa mengubah ukuran tubuhnya jadi sangat kecil layaknya Isshiki. Namun, Kawaki terbilang menguasai seluruh kekuatan yang sebelumnya Isshiki miliki.

4. Dari anak adopsi, kini Kawaki jadi anak kandungnya Naruto

Naruto Uzumaki selaku Hokage Ketujuh sempat mengadopsi Kawaki setelah mengetahui berbagai kekerasan yang ia alami selama bersama Isshiki dan Kara. Mengingat sejak dulu selalu mengalami kekerasan, Kawaki pun langsung merasakan kehangatan dari Naruto. Bahkan, Kawaki terbilang jadi sangat sayang terhadap Naruto melebihi Boruto yang merupakan anak kandung sang Hokage Ketujuh.

Hal ini pun membuat Kawaki jadi rela melakukan apapun untuk melindungi Naruto dari segala macam ancaman, termasuk membunuh Boruto sekalipun. Soalnya, Boruto memiliki Momoshiki Otsutsuki dalam tubuhnya yang pada suatu saat bisa membahayakan keselamatan Naruto. Namun, setelah upaya membunuh Boruto gagal, Kawaki justru meminta bantuan Eida buat menjadikannya anak kandung Naruto.

Pada akhirnya, Eida pun menggunakan shinjutsu miliknya untuk mengubah ingatan seluruh umat manusia bahwa Kawaki adalah anak kandung Naruto, bukan Boruto. Akibatnya, Boruto kini justru menjadi musuh Konohagakure dan sejumlah desa lainnya. Sementara itu, Kawaki berubah nama menjadi Kawaki Uzumaki, anak pertama dari Naruto Uzumaki.

5. Penampilannya berbeda dengan saat pertama kali muncul

Sedikit fakta menarik tentang penampilan Kawaki pada manga-nya. Pada saat pertama kali muncul debut pada cover chapter pertama manga-nya, Kawaki tampil dengan wujud wajah yang lebih muda sampil mengenakan sambil mengenakan jaket biru tua dengan kaus berwarna merah muda. Lalu, tato yang ada di bawah matanya juga berwujud seperti pisau kecil.

Penampilan tersebut tentunya beda jauh dengan penampilan Kawaki setelah muncul pada berbagai chapter manga Boruto berikutnya. Sebab, Kawaki terlihat menggunakan jaket biru tua dengan kaus yang berwarna hijau. Selain itu, tato pada bagian bawah mata Kawaki juga berubah menjadi angka romawi dari angka sembilan yang juga dimiliki oleh sejumlah anggota Kara lainnya.



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Sukses Season Pertama, Kaiju No.8 Berlanjut ke Sekuel

Anime Kaiju No.8

Akhir pekan lalu, gak cuma serial anime Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba saja yang berakhir. Tapi juga Kaiju No.8.

Bagi kamu yang ngefans sama cerita kaiju dalam mitologi Jepang, anime Kaiju No.8 jadi rekomendasi kisah yang paling menarik buat ditonton. Sayangnya, season pertama Kaiju No.8 resmi berakhir.

Tapi tenang saja detikers, jangan sedih ya. Anime Kaiju No.8 fix bakal berlanjut ke sekuel loh.

Kabar ini diamini oleh Crunchyroll sebagai salah satu layanan streaming yang menayangkan animenya. Di episode terakhir pas Kaiju No.8 rampung, Crunchyroll langsung unggah video teaser buat season kedua.

Dalam video teaser berdurasi 15 detik tersebut, narasi karakter Gen Narumi yang dikenal sebagai Komandan Unit Angkatan Pertahanan pertama yang bilang unit pertama telah dikirim.

“Kami akan mengeluarkan semuanya,” katanya.

Adegan di dalam video teaser juga memperlihatkan kondisi kota Jepang yang porak poranda akibat hantaman kaiju. Gimana cerita berikutnya?

Anime Kaiju No.8 diadaptasi dari manga karya Naoya Matsumoto yang diterbitkan di Shonen Jump by Shueisha.

Seperti diketahui, anime Kaiju No.8 disutradarai oleh Shigeyuki Miya dari studio animasi Production I.G., Ichiro Okouchi menyediakan komposisi seri, Tetsuya Nishio bertugas sebagai direktur animasi, dan desainer karakter, Mahiro Maeda membuat desain kaiju, Shinji Kimura bertugas sebagai art director, dan Yuta Bandoh menyediakan musik.


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The Exciting Adventure of BoBoiBoy Galaxy Sori Season 2 Airs Today, Take a Peek at the Synopsis and Watch Link

BoBoiBoy Galaxy, an animated work from Animonsta Studios from Malaysia, will once again amaze fans with the arrival of the long-awaited second season. Reported by on Sunday (3/12), the name of the second season of animation is BoBoiBoy Galaxy SORI Season 2.

Starting from the original animated series in 2016, BoBoiBoy Galaxy continues to develop and provide exciting experiences to its viewers. BoBoiBoy Galaxy first appeared in Malaysia via TV3 on November 25 2016. This animated series has gained popularity in Indonesia since 2017.

Not only that, its success also reached Disney Channel in Southeast Asia on July 7 2017. This extraordinary reception proves that BoBoiBoy Galaxy has succeeded in cementing its position as one of the most loved animations in the Asian region.

The second season of BoBoiBoy Galaxy will not only be available in Webtoon comic form in 2021, but will also be released in an animated version which will premiere on Sunday, December 3 2023. The viewing link can be obtained via the official YouTube Monsta and Netflix channels.

Nizam Abd Razak, CEO of Animonsta Studios, announced that this season will be a thrilling continuation of the adventures of BoBoiBoy Movie 2 which aired in 2019.

As promised by Monsta, the Malaysian animation studio that created BoBoiBoy, the second season of this animated series will be divided into 4 arcs with 6 episodes each, namely:

1. BoBoiBoy Galaxy SORI (Sfera Ostara Robotic Intelligence) airs December 3 2023
2. BoBoiBoy Galaxy Windara airs June 2024
3. BoBoiBoy Galaxy Gentar airs December 2024
4. BoBoiBoy Galaxy Gurlatan airs June 2025

Nizam Abd Razak expressed his appreciation to Generation B, the loyal fans of BoBoiBoy who have accompanied this animation journey for more than 12 years.

BoBoiBoy Galaxy is the story of the Power Sphere (Power Ball), a robot created to give its owner great power. However, the Power Sphere project was deemed dangerous and was cancelled. Many Power Spheres escaped and hid in the galactic universe.

Because many want the power of the Power Sphera, evil aliens try to find and capture the Power Sphera for their purposes. To prevent the Power Sphera from falling into the wrong hands, a young hero from Earth, BoBoiBoy, and his friends are assigned to search for and protect the Power Sphera.

In this action you will also receive assistance from T.A.P.O.P.S (Tracker and Protector of Power Spheres), an organization formed to search for and protect the Power Spheres.

BoBoiBoy Galaxy Season 2 SORI is a direct sequel to the second BoBoiBoy The Movie. After BoBoiBoy succeeded in defeating Retak’ka, the cruel ruler of the elements, the galaxy was safe again.

However, BoBoiBoy must learn the power of the third stage elements to maintain peace. After TAPOPS Station was destroyed due to a Retak’ka attack, BoBoiBoy and his friends returned to Earth to wait for their next assignment.

Unexpectedly, an old enemy reappears with a new evil plan. BoBoiBoy must study the third stage of elemental power on Planet Rimbara, the former colony of King Balakung, the original owner of Balak’s Elemental Power who died at the hands of Retak’ka. This planet is filled with wilderness and holds various secrets.

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Yowamushi Pedal: Not Just About Bike Racing

Yowamushi Pedal: Not Just About Bike Racing

Yowamushi Pedal: Not Just About Bike Racing – Yowamushi Pedal is an anime based on a manga by Wataru Watanabe, the story revolves around the process of Onoda Sakamichi, a geeky  student who transforms into a cyclist in his school’s bicycle club with special skills on climbs ( climber).

Onoda himself initially never thought that he had the ability to become a cyclist, even though the bicycle he owned was actually a city  bike  with a basket in front like the ones that mothers usually use when they want to go to the market.  

With that bike he went back and forth from home to school, and once a week he used it to go to Akihabara which was about 90 km away, with the reason of saving money on train tickets, so he could buy action figure knick-knacks or CDs and other collections related to his favorite anime shows. In Akihabara he accidentally met another cyclist named Naruko who would later also become a friend in the cycling club.

An accidental meeting with a new kid who turns out to be a racing cyclist named Imaizumi on a steep slope behind the school that Onoda usually passes continues with plans to create an anime club, but in the end they end up joining the Sohoku Bicycle Club and training with seniors Kinjou, Makishima and Tadokoro in preparation for a prestigious bicycle race called Inter High.

Since getting to know and joining the Sohoku bicycle club, Onoda’s talent in cycling was finally revealed, which was actually also unintentionally trained due to being used to cycling regularly and long distances with a makeshift bicycle that was secretly modified by his mother.

Apart from Onoda’s transformation process, the interesting thing is his friendship with all the club members, even in some parts of the story he is willing to sacrifice his energy to convince and encourage them in his own way during the Inter High bicycle race.

Another cool part of course is some cycling tips that are often tucked away in the story, be it about good bike settings, how to get motivated to climb, even technical issues such as cadence are told in quite detail, including of course the ins and outs of bike racing.

Even though this is an anime about racing bikes, in general it tells about the interesting aspects of the bike itself, how important it is to practice, be disciplined and respect the abilities of fellow team members, and how to encourage yourself and your friends when you are tired and desperate.

This series is on Netflix and the most interesting for me are seasons 1 and 2. Just try watching it, it’s fun.

Sinopsis Anime “My Deer Friend Nokotan”, Rilis Juli 2024

Sinopsis Anime "My Deer Friend Nokotan", Rilis Juli 2024

Sinopsis Anime “My Deer Friend Nokotan“, Rilis Juli 2024 – Here is a synopsis of the anime “Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan”, also known as “My Deer Friend Nokotan”, where this anime is adapted from a manga of the same title written and illustrated by Oshioshio and serialized in Shounen Magazine Edge since November 15, 2019.

The anime “My Deer Friend Nokotan” is produced by Wit Studio and has a comedy genre, with CGDCT (Cute Girls Doing Cute Things) and School themes, and is aimed at the Shounen demographic.

The anime “My Deer Friend Nokotan” is scheduled to premiere on July 7, 2024.

The cast of “Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan” includes Megumi Han as Noko Shinkanoko, Rui Tanabe as Anko Koshi, Saki Fujita as Torako Koshi, Fuuka Izumi as Meme Bashame, and Kousuke Toriumi as the narrator.

“Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan” tells the story of a time when no one knew that Torako was once a delinquent. All of her classmates only knew her as a perfect student.

But everything changes when Nokotan, a horned transfer student, enters her life. Horns aren’t the only strange thing about Nokotan. But another strange thing is, she has a deer nose that can sniff out the secrets of Torako’s past. Whether at school or at the zoo, chaos follows every step of this doe-eyed girl. Torako also has many questions, is Nokotan a deer, a woman, or both?***

The Elusive Samurai Anime Synopsis, Airing July 2024

The Elusive Samurai Anime Synopsis, Airing July 2024

The Elusive Samurai Anime Synopsis, Airing July 2024 – Here is a synopsis of the anime “Nige Jouzu no Wakagimi”, also known as “The Elusive Samurai”, where this anime is adapted from the manga by Yuusei Matsui which was serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine from January 25, 2021 to the present.

The anime adaptation of “The Elusive Samurai” is being worked on by CloverWorks with Adventure and Comedy genres and Historical and Samurai themes, and is aimed at the Shounen demographic.

The Elusive Samurai” is scheduled to air on July 6, 2024.

The cast in “The Elusive Samurai” includes Asaki Yuikawa as Tokiyuki Houjou, Yuuichi Nakamura as Yorishige Suwa, Kikunosuke Toya as Fubuki, and Aoi Yuuki as Genba Kazama.

In addition, there is Mari Hino as Kojirou Nezu, Sayumi Suzushiro as Ayako, Hinako Yano as Shizuku, and the cast for the character Takauji Ashikaga is not yet known.

The Elusive Samurai tells the story of eight-year-old Tokiyuki Houjou, the next successor to the Kamakura Shogunate, a young boy who has no talent for anything other than hide and seek.

One day, his carefree life suddenly changes when Takauji Ashikaga brutally seizes power from the Kamakura, ending their reign.

Tokiyuki is saved by a priest who claims to be a prophetic priest, and he manages to escape with his life. Now he must evade those trying to kill him while recruiting allies who can help him restore the Kamakura Shogunate to its former glory.

The Elusive Samura is set in the Nanboku-chou period of Japanese history, and is a tale of redemption, documenting the life of a forgotten hero who set out to change Japan’s destiny.***

Wistoria Wand and Sword How Many Episodes? Here’s the Information

Wistoria Wand and Sword How Many Episodes? Here's the Information

Wistoria Wand and Sword How Many Episodes? Here’s the Information – The latest series that is currently being discussed among fansanimefantasy is “Wistoria: Wand and Sword”. It is an anime series adapted from a manga of the same title, written by Fujino Omori, and illustrated by Toshi Aoi.

The anime series was first released on Sunday (7/7) through its first episode which aired on various platforms. The question is, how many episodes of the anime “Wistoria Wand and Sword” aired?

A Glimpse of the Anime Wistoria: Wand and Sword

Based on information from the IMDb page , “Wistoria: Wand and Sword” or (杖と剣のウィストリア) is an anime adaptationmangaproduced by Actas and Bandai Namco Pictures. Here is the full profile of this anime:

Director: Tatsuya Yoshihara

Author: Tatsuya Yoshihara

Music: Yuki Hayashi

Studio: Actas, Bandai Namco Pictures

Native network: JNN (TBS)

Genre: Adventure , fantasy

Release date: July 7, 2024

Synopsis of the Anime Wistoria: Wand and Sword

Summarized from the MyAnimeList page , “Wistoria: Wand and Sword” tells the story of a young man named Will Serfort who has a big dream. Will promised his childhood friend to become a Magia Vander, namelywitchthe strongest who sits at the top of the Wizard Tower.

However, there is one big problem, Will cannot use magic at all, even for the simplest spells. To pursue his dream, Will enters Regarden Magica Academy, a renowned magic school.

There, he decides to fight underground monsters to gain points and recognition from the school. In addition, Will must also use his sword skills to face various challenges.

Even though he can’t use magic, Will never gives up on his dream. With strong spirit and determination, he continues to fight against all obstacles.

This anime will take the audience to follow Will’s challenging struggle to achieve his big dream, which is to occupy the top of the Wizard’s Tower. He wants to keep his promise to his beloved friend.

Wistoria Wand and Sword How Many Episodes?

Quoting the Toramp page , “Wistoria: Wand and Sword” for its first season consists of eightepisode. Here is the release matauang schedule for each episode:

  • Episode 1: July 7, 2024
  • Episode 2: July 14, 2024
  • Episode 3: July 21, 2024
  • Episode 4: July 28, 2024
  • Episode 5: August 4, 2024
  • Episode 6: August 11, 2024
  • Episode 7: August 18, 2024
  • Episode 8: August 25, 2024

This anime can be watched via the JNN TV channel and several streaming platforms , such as Chruncyroll, Netflix, and Iqiyi.

Sinopsis Anime Undead Girl Murder Farce

Sinopsis Anime Undead Girl Murder Farce

Sinopsis Anime Undead Girl Murder Farce – Based on  the manga of the same name by Yuugo Aosaki and Haruka Tomoyama, this anime successfully presents a supernatural world with an interesting historical touch.

Embracing the mystery and supernatural genres, ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’ takes us on an adventure with Tsugaru Shinuchi and Shizuku Hasei in their search for the main body of the immortal being, Aya Rindou, which has been stolen by a mysterious figure.

Tsugaru, a mixed-blood oni and human fighter, possesses incredible power, capable of fighting immortals and taking their lives.

However, unexpectedly, Tsugaru meets an immortal being who has lost part of his body, and their goals turn out to be interconnected.

Rindou Aya, an immortal being with only one head, begs Tsugaru to help her end her life. However, this mission is not as easy as imagined.

Rindou Aya’s other body parts are in Europe, and are now guarded by someone very powerful. With many challenges and difficulties, Tsugaru must fight to achieve their goal.

In exchange for Tsugaru’s help, Rindou Aya offers a ‘Liquid’ that can extend Tsugaru’s life, which is threatened by his mixed blood which is increasingly being controlled by his Oni nature.

With his life hanging in the balance, Tsugaru must make a difficult choice in a battle between power and immortality.

So, if you are interested in watching the exciting adventures of Tsugaru and Shizuku Hasei in uncovering the mystery behind ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’, don’t miss this article to read more information.

This anime may not have gotten as much attention as the manga, but the engaging story and stunning graphics are guaranteed to keep you glued to the screen.

And good news, episode 4 of ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’ is coming soon! You can watch it on Thursday, July 27, 2023 in Japan, or if you’re in another part of the world, don’t miss its debut on Wednesday, July 26, 2023.

Don’t worry about the language, because this anime will be equipped with subtitles to make it easier to understand.

While the anime hasn’t quite gotten the attention it deserves, in the hands of a determined production team and audience support, ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’ has the potential to be one of the most compelling anime of our time.

So, get ready to witness a bloody adventure and a suspenseful mystery in this anime .

Be part of an exciting journey with Tsugaru and Shizuku Hasei in uncovering the secrets of ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’.

Face to Face with ‘Sengoku Youko’ Voice Actress Takada Yuuki at AFA ID 2024

Face to Face with 'Sengoku Youko' Voice Actress Takada Yuuki at AFA ID 2024

Face to Face with ‘Sengoku Youko’ Voice Actress Takada Yuuki at AFA ID 2024 – Jakarta – Sengoku Youko lovers, come closer! There is an anime character voice actor or commonly called seiyu Sengoku Youko at the Anime Festival Asia Indonesia (AFA ID) which was held on Saturday (4/5) at JCC Senayan, Jakarta.

It is Takada Yuuki, the seiyuu of the character Tama Youko, one of the protagonists in Sengoko Youko part 1. Well, Takada’s showcase was held at the Day Stage, a paid stage for those of you who want to watch featured anime and content, special anime screenings, and exclusive appearances from many international guests in various countries.

Before the event began, visitors were also invited to watch the trailer of Sengoku Youko. As soon as the trailer started, the audience cheered throughout the trailer. Oh, it seems that this anime series that just had its first season has a lot of fans, detikers.

The number of fans can be heard from the screams of fans that filled the hall when Takada Yuuki entered the stage. In fact, the voice actor of Tama Youko did not expect that when she entered the stage, Indonesian fans would welcome her very much.

“I didn’t expect Indonesian fans to welcome me so warmly and happily. That makes me happy,” said Takada as he greeted fans at his special showcase at the AFAID Day Stage on Saturday (4/5).

For those of you who don’t know, Sengoku Youko has a synopsis of the journey of Shinsuke Hyodo, a martial artist who meets the siblings Jinka Yamato, a human who is very fond of Katawara, and Tama Youko, a Katawara who really likes humans. Set in the Sengoku era, this anime doesn’t just talk about the history of the Sengoku era, but there are also fantasy elements in it.

“There are two types of life there, there are humans and monsters or Katawara. And the relationship between the two is not good,” said Takada.

Throughout voicing Tama in season 1, there were moments that Takada had difficulty with, guys. For example, there was a scene where he had to bite his own hand.

Takada said that the scene even had to be retaken up to 6 times. Even though his voice only came out that little. Takada also said that to play Shinsuke, the main character, his seiyuu even needed candy to soothe his throat.

Well, there was also a session where he played Tama’s voice. Fans screamed while he played Tama’s voice. Not only did he act it out, Takada went all out to the point that he did two live dubbings from the Sengoku Youko episode clip. That episode was the first time he played Tama.

The great enthusiasm of the audience made Takada want to demonstrate Tama for the third time.

At the end of the event, there was also a Q&A session with fans. Fans who managed to answer questions about Sengoku Youko correctly would get an official merchandise pin or a signed Sengoku Youko poster for free. Isn’t that exciting, detikers?

Well, before the event closed, Takada had a message for visitors who came to his special show.

“Those who haven’t watched (Sengoku Youko), should watch it because now is the right time. Now, there are 17 volumes of the manga, there are the first arc and the second arc. As for the anime, there is only the first arc,” he said.

Reportedly, the second part of Sengoku Youko will be released in July 2024. Are you ready to wait, detikers?

































































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