Sinopsis Anime Undead Girl Murder Farce – Based on the manga of the same name by Yuugo Aosaki and Haruka Tomoyama, this anime successfully presents a supernatural world with an interesting historical touch.
Embracing the mystery and supernatural genres, ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’ takes us on an adventure with Tsugaru Shinuchi and Shizuku Hasei in their search for the main body of the immortal being, Aya Rindou, which has been stolen by a mysterious figure.
Tsugaru, a mixed-blood oni and human fighter, possesses incredible power, capable of fighting immortals and taking their lives.
However, unexpectedly, Tsugaru meets an immortal being who has lost part of his body, and their goals turn out to be interconnected.
Rindou Aya, an immortal being with only one head, begs Tsugaru to help her end her life. However, this mission is not as easy as imagined.
Rindou Aya’s other body parts are in Europe, and are now guarded by someone very powerful. With many challenges and difficulties, Tsugaru must fight to achieve their goal.
In exchange for Tsugaru’s help, Rindou Aya offers a ‘Liquid’ that can extend Tsugaru’s life, which is threatened by his mixed blood which is increasingly being controlled by his Oni nature.
With his life hanging in the balance, Tsugaru must make a difficult choice in a battle between power and immortality.
So, if you are interested in watching the exciting adventures of Tsugaru and Shizuku Hasei in uncovering the mystery behind ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’, don’t miss this article to read more information.
This anime may not have gotten as much attention as the manga, but the engaging story and stunning graphics are guaranteed to keep you glued to the screen.
And good news, episode 4 of ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’ is coming soon! You can watch it on Thursday, July 27, 2023 in Japan, or if you’re in another part of the world, don’t miss its debut on Wednesday, July 26, 2023.
Don’t worry about the language, because this anime will be equipped with subtitles to make it easier to understand.
While the anime hasn’t quite gotten the attention it deserves, in the hands of a determined production team and audience support, ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’ has the potential to be one of the most compelling anime of our time.
So, get ready to witness a bloody adventure and a suspenseful mystery in this anime .
Be part of an exciting journey with Tsugaru and Shizuku Hasei in uncovering the secrets of ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’.