Synopsis of the anime Atarashii Joshi wa Do Tennen, a web manga that has won many awards – “My New Boss Is Goofy” or in Japanese ” Atarashii Joshi wa Do Tennen ” is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Dan Ichikawa. The manga has been published on Akita Shoten’s online manga platform , Manga Cross, since February 2019. An anime television series adaptation produced by A-1 Pictures will premiere in October 2023.
The series won the “Web Manga General Election” from pixiv and Nippon Shuppan Hanbai in 2019. In the same year, the series ranked seventh in the fifth Next Manga Awards in the web category.
The series ranked third in the Tsutaya Comic Awards in 2020. That same year, the series ranked second in AnimeJapan’s “Most Wanted Anime Adaptations” poll.
Synopsis of the anime Atarashii Joshi wa Do Tennen
Kentaro Momose, whose physical and mental health deteriorated after being abused by his boss, then changed jobs to become a salesman at an advertising agency.
However, due to his trauma, he was unable to move due to stomach pain during his first tour. Momose’s new boss, Shirosaki, leaves Momose without saying anything, and Momose becomes worried that his new boss will be the same as before.
Written and illustrated by Dan Ichikawa, My New Boss Is Goofy first started as a webcomic published by the author on Twitter in 2018, proved popular and began serialization on Akita Shoten’s online manga platform, Manga Cross, on February 5, 2019. Akita Shoten has collected its chapters into several tankobon volumes. The first volume was released on August 20, 2019. And the second volume was released on May 20, 2020.
In May 2023, it was announced that the series would receive an anime television series adaptation. The series will be animated by A-1 Pictures and directed by Noriyuki Abe, with Ayako Kono as assistant director, Masahiro Yokotani in charge of the script, Takahiro Yasuda serving as character designer and main director, music composed by Masato Nakayama, and Jin Aketagawa plays sound engineer.
The opening theme song is “Planeteria” by Fujifabric, while the ending theme song is “Hanataba” by Lenny code fiction. The series will premiere on October 7, 2023 on Tokyo MX and other networks. Ready to look forward to it?
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