Synopsis of Violet Evergarden The Movie, How does Violet and Gilbert’s story end – Synopsis Violet Evergarden The Movie, animated filmromance-fantasy genre which has been broadcast onNetflixcould be oneentertainmentyou to fill your free time. This latest animated film from Japan is an adaptation of the novel of the same name.
The novel by Kana Akatsuki and Akiko Takase was already made into an anime before finally launching a versionfilm. Violet Evergarden The Movie , produced by Kyoto Animation and directed by Haruka Fujita, is a continuation of the story between Violet and Gilbert which has been depicted in the versionanime.
The character Violet in Violet Evergarden The Movie is also made to be a better and stronger figure than the anime version and understands more about what other people feel. This certainly has a touching background.
Violet Evergarden also received the main award at the Kyoto Animation Awards in 2014 by winning all categories, from novel, screenplay, to manga. In the film version, Violet Evergaden The Movie also received an award from the Tokyo Anime Award Festival 2021 in the Anime of the Year category.
More and more curious about what the film will be like? Come on, first read the synopsis of Violet Evergarden The Movie below.
Sinopsis Violet Evergarden The Movie
Violet Evergarden The Movie tells the story of Violet, a person whose job is to write and deliver letters from clients to their loved ones. Because of her job, Violet has to meet clients and understand their feelings.
Violet, who continues to do this work repeatedly, finally understands what emotions and love are. In the end, he understood what Major Gilbert had said when they last met him.
Several years passed, when the world had experienced technological advances and fewer people sent letters, the work Violet had done before began to be forgotten.
Violet’s life after the war was not easy. There are still traumas and memories left in his mind. One such memory was his with Major Gilbert. He still has feelings and longing. However, what can he do, he doesn’t know where the Major is.
Violet is now back working as a letter writer at a CH postal company requested by Gilbert’s colleague. He returned to his work and continued to help many people who wanted to express their feelings.
Until finally, one day, he found a letter that gave a few clues about Gilbert. Trying to find her lost memories, Violet rushes to search according to the clues she gets.
Will Violet succeed in meeting Gilbert, the Major who is an important person in her life? Can the two of them unite and live life together?
You can find the answer in Violet Evergarden The Movie . Don’t forget to watch to watch, OK!
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