A Brief Summary of the Evangelion Saga – Neon Genesis Evangelion is an anime and manga by Hideaki Anno. This anime was produced by Gainax and broadcast from October 4, 1995 to March 27, 1996 by TV Tokyo. The story is about the actions of young people piloting giant robots called the Evangelion unit to fight the invasion of mysterious extraterrestrial creatures. The anime story itself has been screened in many countries, including in Indonesia, even though it only aired three episodes. Even though the Evangelion anime has relatively heavy story material, it has managed to become a popular anime, especially in the mecha genre . Regarding the release of the latest chapter of the film Evangelion 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time, which was delayed due to the impact of the pandemic, here we present a brief summary of the previous Evangelion film saga to refresh your memory.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth (1997)
Originally two separate parts, Death is an edited re-cap of all 24 episodes of the series, in clip form, and additional animated improvements inserted. Meanwhile, the second part, Rebirth, is a 24 minute episode containing the story that will become the first half of what is told in The End of Evangelion.
The End of Evangelion (1997)
Serving as a parallel ending for the television series, what is told here departs from the ending of episode 24. The story focuses on the bloody conflict that occurred over the struggle for control of the NERV organization, between Gendo Ikari who had his own agenda and the Japanese authorities who operated as the SEELE shadow committee.
Rebuild of Evangelion
Also known as Evangelion: New Theatrical Edition, this is an attempt to retell the story of the old series. Produced by Studio Khara, creator Hideaki Anno acted as writer and general manager of this project, while directing was entrusted to Kazuya Tsurumaki and Masayuki. This revitalization project consists of:
Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone
2015, 15 years after the incident called The Second Impact, a young man named Shinji Ikari was brought to Tokyo-3 on the orders of his father, Gendo, who was in charge of NERV, a special combat organization. There, Shinji learns that his arrival at the call of his father, whom he had not seen for 8 years, was solely to become the pilot of Unit-01, a giant robot which is the mainstay of humanity’s resistance efforts against the invasion of mysterious extraterrestrial creatures called Angels, along with another young pilot named Rei Ayanami.
Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance
Shinji is starting to get used to his routine at NERV. Meanwhile, under constant attack from the Angels, NERV introduces two new pilots: the mysterious Mari Illustrious Makinami and the expressive Asuka Langley Shikinami. Simultaneously with this recruitment, Gendo Ikari and SEELE began carrying out a secret project involving Rei and Shinji.
Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo
14 years after the events of the second film, Shinji Ikari wakes up in an unfamiliar world. In a unique situation where he doesn’t age, almost the entire Earth has been reduced to rubble, NERV has disbanded, and the people he once protected have turned to hate him. However, Shinji continues to fight against the Angels and realizes that war is far from old, even though what he is now facing are his former allies.
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