Epik! 5 Pertarungan Terbaik dalam Seri One Punch Man Sejauh Ini

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One Punch Man adalah seri seinen populer karya ONE dan Yusuke Murata. Seri yang pada awalnya hanya sebuah web manga ini mulai mendapatkan adaptasi anime pada 2015 oleh studio Madhouse. Seperti judulnya, seri ini menceritakan tentang seorang pahlawan bernama Saitama, yang memiliki kekuatan untuk menghancurkan musuhnya hanya dengan satu pukulan.

Sebagai seri aksi, tentunya banyak adegan pertarungan yang menegangkan dalam seri ini. Dimulai dari pertarungan ikonik antara Saitama melawan Boros hingga pertarungan antara Saitama melawan muridnya, Genos, berikut ini adalah lima pertarungan terbaik dalam seri One Punch Man sejauh ini. Simak ulasan berikut.

1. Saitama vs Boros

Epik! 5 Pertarungan Terbaik dalam Seri One Punch Man Sejauh Ini

Tak diragukan lagi, pertarungan antara Saitama melawan Boros adalah pertarungan terbaik yang pernah ada dalam seri ini. Selain menampilkan pertarungan epik antara dua makhluk terkuat di alam semesta, pertarungan ini juga semakin epik dengan didukung oleh animasi yang memanjakan mata.

Bisa dibilang, Boros adalah musuh terkuat pertama yang pernah dihadapi oleh Saitama. Bahkan, Saitama mengakui bahwa Boros adalah satu-satunya musuh yang dapat menghiburnya. Boros tidak hanya menahan dapat pukulan Saitama, dirinya juga cukup kuat untuk melempar Saitama ke Bulan.

Setelah Saitama cukup bersenang-senang dengan Boros dan mulai memasuki mode serius, Boros pada akhirnya dikalahkan oleh satu pukulan serius Saitama.

2. Saitama vs Orochi

Epik! 5 Pertarungan Terbaik dalam Seri One Punch Man Sejauh Ini

Orochi adalah pemimpin di Asosiasi Monster, yang selama ini ditakuti baik oleh warga biasa maupun oleh para pahlawan. Sebagai monster dengan ancaman tingkat Naga, tentunya Orochi memiliki segudang kemampuan yang membuatnya tidak terkalahkan.Meskipun begitu, tidak ada monster yang tidak dapat dikalahkan oleh Saitama. Sementara pahlawan lainnya merinding ketakutan saat berhadapan dengan Orochi, Saitama berhasil menghancurkan monster tersebut hanya dengan satu pukulan seperti biasanya.

3. Garou vs Orochi

Epik! 5 Pertarungan Terbaik dalam Seri One Punch Man Sejauh Ini

Garou adalah mantan murid Bang yang kemudian menjadi penjahat yang dikenal dengan Hero Hunter. Bahkan saat dirinya masih menjadi manusia, Garou disebut memiliki kekuatan yang setara dengan monster. Garou semakin tidak terkalahkan saat dirinya benar-benar berubah menjadi monster.Setelah bergabung dengan Asosiasi Monster, Garou akhirnya bertarung dengan bosnya sendiri, Orochi. Meskipun pada akhirnya ia dikalahkan oleh Orochi, Garou berhasil mengungkap lebih banyak tentang Orochi, seperti tubuhnya yang ternyata terdiri dari banyak kepala naga.

4. Metal Bat vs Garou

Epik! 5 Pertarungan Terbaik dalam Seri One Punch Man Sejauh Ini

Metal Bat adalah pahlawan yang mengandalkan kekuatan fisik dan sebagian besar serangannya menggunakan pemukul baseball miliknya. Uniknya, semakin banyak pukulan yang ia terima, kekuatannya akan semakin meningkat.

Setelah dirinya bertarung dengan Elder Centipede, Metal Bat langsung dihadapkan dengan musuh yang lebih kuat, Garou. Kesalahan terbesar Garou dalam pertarungan ini adalah dirinya terlalu meremehkan Metal Bat sehingga dirinya mulai kewalahan saat kekuatan Metal Bat terus meningkat.

Sayangnya, saat Metal Bat akan mengakhiri Garou dengan pukulan terakhirnya, adik Metal Bat muncul dan menginterupsi pertarungan. Pertarungan akhirnya berakhir dengan Garou yang melarikan diri. Jika saja adik Metal Bat tidak muncul pada saat itu, perjalanan Garou sebagai penjahat mungkin akan berakhir di tangan pahlawan bergaya geng motor tersebut.

5. Genos vs Saitama

Epik! 5 Pertarungan Terbaik dalam Seri One Punch Man Sejauh Ini

Pada pertengahan seri, Genos menantang Saitama untuk bertarung dengannya dengan harapan Saitama akan menggunakan semua kekuatannya sehingga Genos dapat menemukan sumber kekuatan Saitama. Namun, hanya Genos yang terlihat serius dalam pertarungan ini.

Sementara Genos terus mengeluarkan ledakan terkuatnya untuk menghancurkan Saitama, tidak ada yang dilakukan oleh Saitama selain menghindari serangan muridnya. Pertarungan berakhir dengan Saitama yang mengeluarkan satu pukulan yang cukup kuat untuk menghancurkan sebuah bukit.

Beruntungnya, Saitama tidak benar-benar berniat untuk membunuh muridnya dan hanya mengeluarkan pukulan tersebut untuk menunjukkan perbandingan kekuatan yang mereka miliki.

Itulah lima pertarungan terbaik dalam seri One Punch Man sejauh ini. Dari kelima pertarungan di atas, pertarungan yang mana yang paling kamu suka?






Siapakah Yang Lebih Kuat Goku Atau Vegeta?

Penggemar Okewla masih saja berdebat, siapa yang lebih kuat, Goku atau Vegeta? Ini penjelasannya.
Perdebatan itu nggak cuma di berbagai forum saja, sebab ada pertanyaan yang sering banget diajukan di situs resmi Dragon Ball. Sampai-sampai, mereka menerbitkan disertasi profesor Jepang Nobuyuki Ota dari Universitas Chuba, pada Juni 2022.

Esai ini membahas perbedaan antara kekuatan dan kepribadian komparatif dua Prajurit Super Saiyan dari sudut pandang psikologis.

Dalam Dragon Ball, Vegeta telah beberapa kali membuktikan keunggulan fisiknya atas Goku. Contoh pertama terjadi ketika kedua karakter bertemu untuk pertama kalinya di Dragon Ball Z’s Attack of the Saiyan Arc.

Disertasi Profesor Buktikan Siapa Lebih Kuat, Goku atau Vegeta?

Mereka berhadapan, Vegeta mengalahkan Goku dengan cukup mudah. Vegeta meningkatkan kekuatannya dalam bentuk Great Ape, memaksa Goku kepayahan hingga memanfaatkan Kaio-Ken Super Skill. Goku akhirnya mengalahkan Vegeta melalui kegigihan, bukan kekuatan murni.

Selama Dragon Ball Z’s Cell Arc, Vegeta dinyatakan lebih kuat dari Goku oleh karakter Tien Shinhan, salah satu penduduk bumi terkuat yang pernah tercatat. Pengakuan ini muncul setelah serangan Android, yang mendorong para Z-fighter berlatih habis-habisan buat perang besar.

Saat Goku melatih Piccolo dan Gohan, Vegeta berkelana ke luar angkasa untuk berlatih sendirian. Ketika Vegeta kembali ke Bumi, dia jauh lebih kuat daripada Goku.

Dalam Dragon Ball Super’s Universe 6 Saga, Goku jadi Super Saiyan God, suatu bentuk yang diperlukan untuk mengalahkan Beerus. Namun, di Dragon Ball Z, Vegeta mampu melukai Beerus lebih dari Goku, hanya dengan mengambil darah dari God of Destruction.

Dragon Ball

Tapi alasan sebenarnya mengapa Vegeta dapat kekuatan lebih dari Goku di Dragon Ball Super’s berkaitan dengan pelatihan mendalamnya dengan Whis.

Vegeta menguasai God Ki di bawah bimbingan Whis, sebelum Goku mencapai itu. Pada saat Goku memohon pelatihan Dewa Ki, keterampilan dan kekuatan Vegeta jadi jauh melampaui kemampuannya.

Dalam Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero tahun 2022 , Vegeta ditampilkan mengalahkan Goku dalam pertarungan tangan kosong yang brutal setelah Tournament of Power. Vegeta membuktikan gak perlu kekuatan Super Saiyan atau pelatihan Ki tingkat lanjut buat jadi yang paling kuat.

Terlepas dari berbagai contoh di Dragon Ball yang menggambarkan keunggulan fisik Vegeta atas Goku, kekuatan superior Goku gak ada hubungannya dengan kecakapan fisiknya, melainkan lebih berkaitan dengan dorongan spiritual dan psikologisnya.

Goku memiliki Ultra Instinct, sebuah teknik yang memisahkan kesadaran dari tubuhnya yang memungkinkan dia buat melawan musuh terlepas dari pikiran dan emosinya. Teknik ini sangat berbeda dengan teknik Ultra Ego Vegeta, yang mengandalkan kekuatan fisik buat meningkatkan kekuatannya.

Kualitas psikologis lainnya menjelaskan Goku punya kekuatan superior yang unggul. Terutama karena Vegeta selalu memandang Goku sebagai standar buat membentuk dirinya.

Sementara itu, Goku gak punya tolok ukur. Hanya ada ambisi tak terbatas buat melampaui kemungkinan yang ada.

Vegeta seperti terbebani oleh usahanya buat melampaui kekuatan Goku, sementara Goku terus bermimpi sebesar dan sejauh mungkin yang dia bisa.

Sepanjang serial anime dan berbagai spinoff-nya, Vegeta terbukti jadi pejuang yang lebih perkasa daripada Goku. Namun, Goku selalu melampaui dan selangkah lebih maju dari Vegeta, berkat semangat gigih dan dorongan ambisiusnya buat jadi petarung terhebat.

Menurut Profesor Nobuyuki Ota, pandangan psikologis Gokulah yang selalu memungkinkannya melampaui Vegeta, meskipun secara teknis Vegeta adalah karakter yang lebih kuat.


7 Kekalahan Paling Menyakitkan yang Pernah Dialami oleh Luffy!

Sepanjang petualangannya, protagonis utama One Piece Monkey D. Luffy telah melewati berbagai situasi sulit. Biasanya, momen-momen kemenangannya selalu diingat oleh para penggemarnya. Namun, apakah kamu juga mengingat beberapa kekalahan Luffy yang menyakitkan di sepanjang petualangannya?

Bermula dari East Blue hingga melewati Grand Line dan tiba di New World, Luffy telah berhadapan dengan beragam bajak laut. Mulai dari bajak laut biasa, anggota Shichibukai, anggota Angkatan Laut, hingga anggota Yonkou (Empat Kaisar), ada begitu banyak lawan-lawannya yang sangat kuat.

Meski berbagai pertempuran yang dilewatinya seringkali membantunya bertumbuh sebagai kapten bajak laut, tetapi tidak semuanya mudah dilewati. Selain meraih banyak kemenangan, Luffy juga telah menerima beberapa kekalahan yang menyakitkan.

7 Kekalahan Menyakitkan Luffy

Luffy mungkin memang pahlawan utama One Piece, tetapi itu tidak membuatnya tidak terkalahkan di mana dirinya telah mendapatkan beberapa pelajaran berharga dari setiap kekalahan tersebut. Di bawah ini, kamu akan menemukan beberapa kekalahan Luffy yang kami maksud!

1. Higuma

Bila kamu mengira musuh pertama Luffy adalah Alvida, coba tonton One Piece sekali lagi dari awal. Higuma, seorang bandit dari kampung halamannya, adalah lawan pertama Luffy yang berhasil mengalahkannya secara telak.

Berhubung Luffy masih seorang anak-anak dan belum bisa mengendalikan kekuatan Gomu Gomu no Mi miliknya pada saat itu, kekalahan yang diterimanya mungkin sangat masuk akal. Namun, kekalahan ini jauh lebih menyakitkan daripada yang banyak duga.

Luffy diculik oleh Higuma, dibuang ke laut, dan hampir menjadi santapan seekor Sea King. Ia tidak akan selamat bila Shanks si Rambut Merah tidak datang menolongnya. Walau keluar hidup-hidup, peristiwa ini tidak bisa dibilang sebuah kemenangan baginya berhubung bajak laut yang ia kagumi harus mengorbankan satu lengannya untuk Luffy.

2. Crocodile

Beberapa saat setelah menyebrang Grand Line, Luffy dan krunya mencapai Alabasta untuk menolong Putri Nefertari Vivi dan menyelamatkan negeri tersebut dari salah satu anggota Shichibukai, Crocodile. Pada saat itu, Luffy terlalu percaya diri dan dengan sembrono menantang Crocordile tanpa mengetahui apa yang ia hadapi.

Alhasil, ia harus menerima konsekuensi atas kecerobohannya. Di sini, setiap serangan Luffy tidak mempan di hadapan kekuatan Suna Suna no Mi, buah iblis tipe Logia yang membuat tubuh pemiliknya menjadi pasir itu sendiri.

Setelah mempermainkannya beberapa saat, Crocodile menusuk Luffy dengan tangan kirinya yang terbuat dari kail, lalu meninggalkan Luffy untuk mati di padang pasir Alabasta yang tak kenal ampun. Apakah teori liar yang mengatakan bahwa karakter ini adalah ibu Luffy mungkin?

3. Admiral Aokiji/Kuzan

Setelah turun dari pulau langit, Luffy dkk. mendarat di pulau Long Ring Long Land dan mengalahkan bajak laut Foxy the Silver Fox. Namun, kemenangan itu tidak bertahan lama, karena bajak laut Topi Jerami yang kita cintai dikunjungi oleh kuzan, salah satu dari tiga admiral Angkatan Laut pada saat itu.

Ia mengajarkan seluruh kru Topi Jerami sebuah pelajaran brutal tentang kekuatan Angkatan Laut yang sebenarnya. Mereka tidak memiliki peluang satu persen pun melawan Aokiji, dan Luffy yang menantang dibekukan dengan mudah.

Untungnya, Aokiji memutuskan untuk melepaskan mereka dan memberikan satu peluang terakhir untuk Nico Robin, yang sebenarnya adalah target utamanya. Ini adalah kedua kalinya Luffy tidak bisa berkutik di hadapan pemakan buah iblis tipe Logia, dan pertama kalinya ia merasakan tidak mampu melindungi krunya.

4. Bartholomew Kuma

Bartholomew Kuma, dalam dua pertarungannya melawan kru Topi Jerami, menghancurkan mereka dengan kemampuan Nikyu Nikyu no Mi miliknya yang kuat. Selama pertarungan pertama mereka di Thriller Bark, Luffy dkk. mungkin wajar kalah di hadapannya berhubung mereka kelelahan setelah melawan Gecko Moria.

Namun, beberapa waktu kemudian, mereka harus menghadapi Kuma sekali lagi di Sabaody Archipelago. Pertemuan kedua ini tidak berjalan lebih baik dari pertemuan pertamanya. Di sini, Kuma menggunakan kekuatan buah iblisnya untuk memisahkan seluruh kru Topi Jerami ke berbagai penjuru dunia.

Lagi-lagi, untuk ketiga kalinya, Luffy gagal melindungi krunya.

5. Magellan

Ketika Luffy menerima berita bahwa kakak angkatnya, Ace, telah ditangkap Angkatan Laut, ia berupaya untuk menyelamatkannya dari penjara Impel Down yang sangat ketat. Walau sudah berusaha sebisa mungkin untuk tidak sembrono, pada akhirnya kekacauan besar terjadi dan Luffy harus bertarung melewati penjara yang sudah seperti neraka ini.

Ketika sampai di Level 4, ia bertemu dengan Magellan, Kepala Sipir dari penjara tersebut dan seorang manusia racun pemakan buah Doku Doku no Mi. Buah Logia yang satu ini memungkinkannya untuk menggunakan berbagai racun mematikan dalam berbagai bentuk.

Luffy, pada saat itu, tentu saja bukan tandingannya dan akhirnya sempat sekarat karena racun yang ia terima dari berbagai serangan Magellan. Bukan hanya kalah, ia juga jadi gagal mencapai Ace di penjara tepat waktu.

6. Admiral Akainu/Sakazuki

Akhirnya harus menuju Marineford untuk menyelamatkan Ace, Luffy ikut terlibat dalam perang besar yang telah merenggut banyak nyawa. Di sini, ia harus bergegas untuk mencapai panggung eksekusi yang dijaga oleh banyak pasukan Angkatan Laut.

Luffy akhirnya berhasil menghentikan eksekusi Ace dengan bantuan berbagai bajak laut lain. Namun, ia dihadang olehAdmiral Akainu dan kekuatan Mogu Mogu no Mi miliknya.

Berhubung tubuh Admiral yang satu ini terbuat dari magma, Luffy tidak memiliki jalan untuk mengalahkannya. Di sini, Ace pada akhirnya harus menerima pukulan Akainu yang ditujukan kepada Luffy dan mati karena lubang besar yang ditimbulkan oleh serangan tersebut.

Melihat kematian anggota keluarganya secara langsung, tentu membuatnya dilanda kesedihan yang dahsyat dan membuatnya tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. Di akhir peristiwa ini, Luffy mengalami kekalahan yang sangat menyakitkan, baik secara fisik maupun emosional.

7. Kaido

Beberapa waktu setelah Luffy kembali berkumpul bersama kru kesayangannya dan kemudian membentuk aliansi dengan Trafalgar Law, kisahnya membawa mereka ke Wanokuni untuk mengalahkan Kaido – kapten dari Beasts Pirates dan salah satu dari Yonkou.

Luffy segera merasakan keperkasaan Kaido dan kalah di tangannya, tak lama setelah ia sampai di negeri tersebut. Lebih buruknya lagi, ia kalah dari Kaido yang mabuk dan sama sekali tidak serius. Tidak ada satupun serangan Luffy yang berhasil membuat Kaido terkejut atau kesakitan.

Satu-satunya alasan mengapa Luffy masih hidup hanya karena Kaido meremehkannya dan ingin membuatnya menjadi bagian dari kru bajak lautnya. Ini adalah kekalahan pertama Luffy setelah timeskip.

Itu dia 7 kekalahan paling menyakitkan Luffy di sepanjang petualangan One Piece. Sekarang kisahnya memasuki Final Saga ceritanya secara keseluruhan, di mana Luffy dkk. telah tiba di Egghead dan bertemu dengan Dr. Vegapunk yang diam-diam meneliti Void Century.

Sinopsis Anime Undead Girl Murder Farce

Sinopsis Anime Undead Girl Murder Farce

Sinopsis Anime Undead Girl Murder Farce – Based on  the manga of the same name by Yuugo Aosaki and Haruka Tomoyama, this anime successfully presents a supernatural world with an interesting historical touch.

Embracing the mystery and supernatural genres, ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’ takes us on an adventure with Tsugaru Shinuchi and Shizuku Hasei in their search for the main body of the immortal being, Aya Rindou, which has been stolen by a mysterious figure.

Tsugaru, a mixed-blood oni and human fighter, possesses incredible power, capable of fighting immortals and taking their lives.

However, unexpectedly, Tsugaru meets an immortal being who has lost part of his body, and their goals turn out to be interconnected.

Rindou Aya, an immortal being with only one head, begs Tsugaru to help her end her life. However, this mission is not as easy as imagined.

Rindou Aya’s other body parts are in Europe, and are now guarded by someone very powerful. With many challenges and difficulties, Tsugaru must fight to achieve their goal.

In exchange for Tsugaru’s help, Rindou Aya offers a ‘Liquid’ that can extend Tsugaru’s life, which is threatened by his mixed blood which is increasingly being controlled by his Oni nature.

With his life hanging in the balance, Tsugaru must make a difficult choice in a battle between power and immortality.

So, if you are interested in watching the exciting adventures of Tsugaru and Shizuku Hasei in uncovering the mystery behind ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’, don’t miss this article to read more information.

This anime may not have gotten as much attention as the manga, but the engaging story and stunning graphics are guaranteed to keep you glued to the screen.

And good news, episode 4 of ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’ is coming soon! You can watch it on Thursday, July 27, 2023 in Japan, or if you’re in another part of the world, don’t miss its debut on Wednesday, July 26, 2023.

Don’t worry about the language, because this anime will be equipped with subtitles to make it easier to understand.

While the anime hasn’t quite gotten the attention it deserves, in the hands of a determined production team and audience support, ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’ has the potential to be one of the most compelling anime of our time.

So, get ready to witness a bloody adventure and a suspenseful mystery in this anime .

Be part of an exciting journey with Tsugaru and Shizuku Hasei in uncovering the secrets of ‘Undead Girl Murder Farce’.

Face to Face with ‘Sengoku Youko’ Voice Actress Takada Yuuki at AFA ID 2024

Face to Face with 'Sengoku Youko' Voice Actress Takada Yuuki at AFA ID 2024

Face to Face with ‘Sengoku Youko’ Voice Actress Takada Yuuki at AFA ID 2024 – Jakarta – Sengoku Youko lovers, come closer! There is an anime character voice actor or commonly called seiyu Sengoku Youko at the Anime Festival Asia Indonesia (AFA ID) which was held on Saturday (4/5) at JCC Senayan, Jakarta.

It is Takada Yuuki, the seiyuu of the character Tama Youko, one of the protagonists in Sengoko Youko part 1. Well, Takada’s showcase was held at the Day Stage, a paid stage for those of you who want to watch featured anime and content, special anime screenings, and exclusive appearances from many international guests in various countries.

Before the event began, visitors were also invited to watch the trailer of Sengoku Youko. As soon as the trailer started, the audience cheered throughout the trailer. Oh, it seems that this anime series that just had its first season has a lot of fans, detikers.

The number of fans can be heard from the screams of fans that filled the hall when Takada Yuuki entered the stage. In fact, the voice actor of Tama Youko did not expect that when she entered the stage, Indonesian fans would welcome her very much.

“I didn’t expect Indonesian fans to welcome me so warmly and happily. That makes me happy,” said Takada as he greeted fans at his special showcase at the AFAID Day Stage on Saturday (4/5).

For those of you who don’t know, Sengoku Youko has a synopsis of the journey of Shinsuke Hyodo, a martial artist who meets the siblings Jinka Yamato, a human who is very fond of Katawara, and Tama Youko, a Katawara who really likes humans. Set in the Sengoku era, this anime doesn’t just talk about the history of the Sengoku era, but there are also fantasy elements in it.

“There are two types of life there, there are humans and monsters or Katawara. And the relationship between the two is not good,” said Takada.

Throughout voicing Tama in season 1, there were moments that Takada had difficulty with, guys. For example, there was a scene where he had to bite his own hand.

Takada said that the scene even had to be retaken up to 6 times. Even though his voice only came out that little. Takada also said that to play Shinsuke, the main character, his seiyuu even needed candy to soothe his throat.

Well, there was also a session where he played Tama’s voice. Fans screamed while he played Tama’s voice. Not only did he act it out, Takada went all out to the point that he did two live dubbings from the Sengoku Youko episode clip. That episode was the first time he played Tama.

The great enthusiasm of the audience made Takada want to demonstrate Tama for the third time.

At the end of the event, there was also a Q&A session with fans. Fans who managed to answer questions about Sengoku Youko correctly would get an official merchandise pin or a signed Sengoku Youko poster for free. Isn’t that exciting, detikers?

Well, before the event closed, Takada had a message for visitors who came to his special show.

“Those who haven’t watched (Sengoku Youko), should watch it because now is the right time. Now, there are 17 volumes of the manga, there are the first arc and the second arc. As for the anime, there is only the first arc,” he said.

Reportedly, the second part of Sengoku Youko will be released in July 2024. Are you ready to wait, detikers?

Anime Review ‘Flavors of Youth’, Understanding the Meaning of Life in 3 Different Stories

Anime Review 'Flavors of Youth', Understanding the Meaning of Life in 3 Different Stories

Anime Review ‘Flavors of Youth’, Understanding the Meaning of Life in 3 Different Stories – The animated film ” Flavors of Youth ,” which aired in 2018 on Netflix , featured a rare collaboration between Japanese and Chinese directors.

This anime features three parts depicting life in China with different city backdrops, telling about the ups and downs of life.

The film has a stunning visual appearance, especially in the realistic background animation. Although the character designs are simple, the film manages to capture the essence of life in China by focusing on the details of the background animation, which provides an experience comparable to Japanese animation productions.

The anime “Flavors of Youth” explores the complexities of human emotions through memories and nostalgia. With a poetic narrative, the film is like a video essay reminiscent of popular podcasts.

Small themes like food, family, and love are used to convey messages about modern life that often forgets the important things. The film creates a universal feeling that can be felt across cultures.

The film is divided into three parts, each focusing on different characters in different Chinese cities.

The first segment, The Rice Noodles, emphasizes simplicity and nostalgia by depicting a man’s relationship with his favorite noodles.

Meanwhile, other segments, A Little Fashion Show and Love in Shanghai, raise important themes in life such as family relationships and the true meaning of life.

While all three stories have their own charms, The Rice Noodles segment is considered the most captivating. Simple and nostalgic, this segment is reminiscent of a personal experience in the past.

Although the film’s pace feels slow at times, this may be intentional to provide emotional depth to the audience.

Overall, “Flavors of Youth” is a visually stunning and emotionally touching work of animation.

With a connected narrative and stunning animation, this film invites the audience to reflect on the value of memories and the impact of the past on the present life, as well as to give meaning to the meaning of life.

While it may not be to everyone’s tastes, the film is a worthwhile viewing experience. For lovers of emotional animated cinema, “Flavors of Youth” is worth a watch.

3 Interesting Facts About Dororo Anime: When Children Are Sacrificed to Be Deities of the Devil, Watch the Full Episode on Vidio

3 Interesting Facts About Dororo Anime: When Children Are Sacrificed to Be Deities of the Devil, Watch the Full Episode on Vidio

3 Interesting Facts About Dororo Anime: When Children Are Sacrificed to Be Deities of the Devil, Watch the Full Episode on Vidio – Dororo anime carries a supernatural theme. Tells the story of a child who was used as a sacrifice by his father in order to gain the power to lead the region. Check out 3 interesting facts below.

Jakarta In April 2023, many new anime series come one after another. For those of you who are fans of this Japanese art, you can also watch it through the Vidio streaming service. However, it turns out that not only the latest anime, but also many anime that have been released for a long time but are still exciting to watch.

Recently, streaming service Vidio has added another new anime title to its library with a supernatural anime titled Dororo. Similar to other anime, Dororo is an adaptation of the manga of the same name by Osamu Tezuka.

The Dororo anime series itself tells the story of a child’s life struggle who was used as a sacrifice by his own father. The father made a transaction with the devil in order to become a successful regional leader.

So, what makes this cool anime worth missing? Before watching the anime, take a look at these 3 interesting facts about the Dororo anime.

Carrying a Supernatural Theme

The Dororo anime story falls into the supernatural genre because it offers a story between human life and demons. Although there is no isekai world here, it is clearly visible since the first episode.

It was seen that a man named Kagemitsu Daigo who was the Landlord of Kaga Province had just killed a monk. After further investigation, it turned out that he was about to perform a ritual on 12 demons.

His intention was none other than to gain power in order to win politics and advance his region. Although his intention was good, he did not know that his decision was wrong.

Various illogical events began to emerge. Daigo himself could feel it after he made a request to the devil and also a moment when his wife gave birth to their child.

Opening Song Sung by Famous Japanese Band

An interesting fact about the Dororo anime is that it has a soundtrack sung by a famous Japanese Band. Being one of the popular supernatural anime, the Dororo series has recruited a famous band called Asian Kung Fu Generation.

A song titled Dororo is sung by a Japanese band that has been pursuing a career since 1996. Not only that, Asian Kung Fu Generation is also known to have spread its wings to Taiwan and the United States.

Being the band that filled the opening song in the anime Dororo made the name Asian Kung Fu Generation even more famous. The reason is, the four-member band has also filled the soundtrack of other popular anime such as Naruto, Bleach, and Fullmetal Alchemist.

Targeting Audiences Aged 17 Years and Above

Unlike supernatural genre anime such as Fruit Basket to Mob Psycho 100 , even though it carries the same theme, Dororo actually targets viewers aged 17 and above.

As is well known, the story of the anime series Dororo tells of the evil of a father who sacrificed his son named Hyakkimaru to be worshiped by the devil. He did this so that he could get what he wanted, namely power.

Luckily, Hyakkimaru meets Dororo. Together they finally try to defeat the demons in order to get back the part that belongs to him.

Because of this story, there will be many violent scenes that may be shown such as fighting with swords and others. Of course there will be someone who gets hurt and also someone who bleeds.

Watch Dororo Free 3 Episodes on Vidio

Those are 3 interesting facts from the Dororo anime series. If you are looking for unusual anime recommendations or are a fan of anime with supernatural stories, Dororo must be included in your watch list.

Now the Dororo anime is available on the Vidio streaming service which has aired with 24 episodes and of course is equipped with Indonesian subtitles. For the first three episodes, you can watch it for free via the following link, watch Dororo anime .

Let’s download the Vidio application now which is available for Android and iOS users. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Vidio Platinum package which can be obtained starting from IDR 19,000 specifically for new users.


Moriarty the Patriot, The Story of the Moriarty Brothers Achieving an Ideal World through Criminal Actions

Moriarty the Patriot, The Story of the Moriarty Brothers Achieving an Ideal World through Criminal Actions

Moriarty the Patriot, The Story of the Moriarty Brothers Achieving an Ideal World through Criminal Actions – Telling the story from the perspective of Sherlock Holmes’ arch-nemesis, William James Moriarty, who calls himself a ‘criminal consultant’, this anime is set in the 19th century.

Yogyakarta – Moriarty The Patriot is an anime adaptation of the manga Yuukoku no Moriarty by Ryosuke Takeuchi and Hikaru Miyoshi. This anime is a prequel to the Sherlock Holmes series by Arthur Conan Doyle produced by Production I.G.

Set in the 19th century, Moriarty The Patriot tells the story from the perspective of Sherlock Holmes’ arch-nemesis, William James Moriarty, who calls himself a ‘criminal consultant’. The anime is set in the British Empire, which has become a global powerhouse with strong class stratification.

In other words, this anime depicts a social strata system that separates the ruling nobility and the oppressed people. Seeing this injustice, the Moriarty brothers are determined to destroy the social class system and change the world.

The story begins with the eldest son of the Moriarty family, Albert Moriarty, adopting two orphans, William James and Louis James. They make a big plan to achieve an ideal world, a world without social strata.

With their position as nobles, they can see the evil of fellow nobles and strive to achieve their goals. In carrying out a grand plan to change the British kingdom, the Moriarty family works together with other partners with the same determination, namely Sebastian Moran and Fred Porlock.

Professor William James Moriarty, is the main character who is depicted as a villain. Having a dual character, William’s presence makes the storyline of this anime so interesting.

Not Easy to Guess

His unpredictable character, emotionless , cold, manipulative, full of strategy and moves, and has intelligence in concocting crimes, makes William charismatic. In addition to being a criminal, he also works as a professor and expert in mathematics and philosophy at Durham University, Great Britain.

It is no exaggeration that Sherlock Holmes, a skilled detective, harbors hatred and never wants Moriarty to exist. However, at some point, they have great respect for each other.

Similar to a ‘bromance’ relationship, where in addition to hating but at the same time also giving each other respect. Not infrequently, they both work together in solving a case.

The setting of the story Moriarty The Patriot really adapts the Sherlock Holmes universe, namely Great Britain, around the 1880s. So, the background, movements, and behavior of the characters slot gacor also adjust to the timeline.

This anime series has a fairly detailed storyline. For Detective Conan fans, you might like this series.

When Playing Cards Turn Into Deadly Weapons in High Card Anime

When Playing Cards Turn Into Deadly Weapons in High Card Anime

When Playing Cards Turn Into Deadly Weapons in High Card Anime – High Card anime brings us to a world where playing cards are not just ordinary games, but deadly weapons with extraordinary powers. Here, playing cards are not just for entertainment, but also for fighting and survival. This unique concept makes High Card different from other anime and gives it its own appeal.

Finn, an ordinary young man who gets caught up in a dangerous card game called “Five Crowns,” becomes the main focus of the story. Five Crowns is not just an ordinary card game. In this world, playing cards have extraordinary super powers, such as the ability to heal wounds, control elements, or even kill. The battles between Five Crowns players are exciting and brutal, with super cards that present stunning visual effects.

As Finn and his allies journey through Five Crowns, they begin to uncover the mystery behind the game. They discover that Five Crowns is not just a game, but a tool to control the world. Now, Finn and his allies are faced with a mission to stop Five Crowns and save the world from destruction. This mission adds an element of thriller and suspense to the story, making the audience curious about what will happen next.

High Card Review

Finn, the protagonist, is portrayed as a brave and determined young man. His tenacity in the face of obstacles and his determination to save the world make him an inspiring character. His allies, such as Crimsom and Ban, have unique personalities and strengths that complement Finn perfectly. Their interactions and teamwork provide an interesting and heartwarming dynamic.

High Card is not just an anime about playing cards. It also features themes of friendship, teamwork, and sacrifice. Finn and his allies must learn to trust each other and work together to achieve a common goal. These themes give depth and meaning to the story, making it more than just your average action anime.

High Card is a must-watch anime for fans of action, mystery, and a compelling story. It has everything you could want from a good anime, a suspenseful story, exciting action, interesting characters, and stunning visual effects. With its unique concept and deep themes, High Card is an anime that will keep you entertained and impressed.

Learning the Meaning of Life from the Anime Vinland Saga

Learning the Meaning of Life from the Anime Vinland Saga

Learning the Meaning of Life from the Anime Vinland Saga -Basically, all aspects of life can be learned wherever you are. You can certainly learn the meaning of life from real figures, such as inspirational figures, or even from figures you know, such as parents or friends.

However, it is not uncommon for some people to take fictional stories or fictional characters to learn the meaning of life. Of course, the increasing number of  pop culture  references in the form of shows makes the media for understanding the meaning of life wider, including through  anime .

It is undeniable that until now  anime  is often underestimated by some people. However, there are also quite a few people who even use  anime  as their reference for finding life. Because, with the many  genres,  story themes, and relevance to real-world conditions. It can be said that  anime  is indeed worthy of being a reflection of life. And talking about  anime  that raises  the value  of life, it seems that Vinland Saga is one of  the anime  that Sobat Gent must watch.

Vinland Saga Synopsis

Set in Scandinavian Europe, Vinland Saga tells the story of Thorfinn, the son of Thors, a Viking commander respected by the Vikings. Growing up to be the strongest Viking, Thorfinn was taught by his father about peace and staying away from war. However, one day Thorfinn had to face a moment where he had to see his father killed before his eyes, which resulted in Thorfinn’s hatred for Askeladd, the man who killed his father.

Little Thorfinn who had to see his father killed also harbored a great grudge against Askeladd. However, in order to avenge his revenge, Thorfinn became Askeladd’s subordinate to rob various regions. Until when, Askeladd was killed not by his hands, but by someone else’s hands which caused Thorfinn to lose his purpose and meaning in life.

From there, Thorfinn finally learned the meaning of life more deeply. How he finally understood that revenge would have no meaning at all, and he realized that he had never had an enemy. In fact, according to his father’s words, in this world, no one has an enemy.

The Vinland Saga anime  will show the change in Throfinn’s character, who was initially wild and war-loving, changing into an anti-war figure who loves peace.

Vinland Saga Life Philosophy 

Basically, the main plot in Vinland Saga is how Thorfinn fights the hatred, revenge, and trauma that is inside him. If you reflect on yourself, of course hatred has been attached to us. Moreover, as a social human being who must interact with many people, it is not impossible for us to hold a grudge against one person.

In the philosophy of life that Vinland Saga tries to convey, revenge is basically never a solution. We see how Thorfinn spent his childhood, until his teenage years just to take revenge. However, in the end, the person that Thorfinn wanted to take revenge on, died by someone else, not him. When that happened, Thorfinn lost his purpose and meaning in life. Because, for dozens of years of his life he only focused on taking revenge.

Thus, the message that Makoto Yukimura wants to convey as  the author  of Vinland Saga is that revenge only prolongs the problem and the best way when we lose someone is to move on with our lives, rather than wallowing in sadness that can become revenge.

Then, to deal with trauma or the past, the best way is to keep moving forward. Compared to continuing to linger in the past that has happened, facing the future feels much more realistic than  being stuck  in one moment continuously.

In addition, the concept of ‘no human being has an enemy in this world’ is a very interesting concept of life. We often think of life as a competition. In fact, life is not a competition, but a process. The process of how we, rokokslot who were initially babies, grow into children, become teenagers, and adults, and finally grow old. We are required to live our lives according to what makes us comfortable and calm. Not to compete with each other to be the best.

In the end,  Vinland Saga anime  is more than just an  ordinary anime  . For its viewers,  this anime  teaches various things in life that they should apply in real life. The presence of Vinland Saga is proof that lessons about the meaning of life can be found anywhere. (*/)

































































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