Synopsis of the Belle Anime which will be broadcast in Indonesia = The animated film entitled ‘Belle’, which is the work of Japanese director Mamoru Hosoda, has premiered at the prestigious film festival, the 74th Cannes (Festival de Cannes), in the Cannes Premiere program.
‘Belle‘ is the third animated film announced to have won this festival, the previous two films were ‘Where is Anne Frank’ by director Ari Folman, and ‘The Summit of the Gods’ by director Patrick Imbert.
This anime film tells the story of the life of Suzu, a high school student who lives in a rural area in Kochi Prefecture, Japan, together with her father. After her mother left, Suzu became a girl who was always alone with a gloomy face, closed herself off from the world, and kept her distance from her father.
However, there is one thing that Suzu continues to do in the midst of her sadness, namely creating music. Music becomes a form of escape from all the problems Suzu faces. At the same time, Suzu was introduced to an online world called “U” and created a new identity, namely Belle.
By becoming Belle, Suzu can be herself, create various musical works and sing them herself. However, everything changed when he was visited by a mysterious dragon.
Will the dragon be a dangerous threat or the opposite?
‘Belle’ looks like the animated film ‘Beauty and The Beast’ which features a beautiful girl and a scary creature. However, in the film ‘Belle’ the nuances presented are quite unique and interesting by depicting a neat virtual world atmosphere.