Look Back, the animated movie based on Chainsaw Man‘s Tatsuki Fujimoto’s one-shot story, will receive additional screenings after exceeding expectations at the North American box office. The film was initially planned as a two-day limited release in the United States but will soon expand its theatrical reach.
American independent film distributor GKIDS announced that Look Back, the critically acclaimed anime movie by director Kiyotaka Oshiyama, will receive additional screenings in the near future thanks to the film’s financial success at the box office. “Because of your outstanding support,” GKIDS said on X (formerly Twitter), “many theatres will be adding showtimes past Oct 7 soon. If you want Look Back in your area, contact your local theatre and demand it!”
Chainsaw Man Creator’s Look Back Anime Adaptation Makes Waves at the Box Office
According to The Numbers, Look Back has grossed over $688,000 during its opening weekend at the American box office. This is impressive for a limited animated release based on a niche manga (albeit one from the author of Chainsaw Man) — especially since the release almost didn’t happen given that Look Back ran under the 70-minute requirement for American theatrical screenings. However, the film’s English distribution by GKIDS includes a behind-the-scenes featurette with the cast and film director, extending Look Back‘s length to nearly 80 minutes. Currently, Box Office Mojo estimates the worldwide gross of Look Back to be over $9,850,000.
Look Back Has Received Widesparead Praise, From Fans to Studio Ghibli Present
The surprising box office success and critical acclaim of Look Back in the U.S. mirrors its initial release in Japan. The anime adaptation grossed $1 billion yen after 18 days at the box office. The film originally premiered on June 28, 2024, and has earned vast praise from fans, critics and influential figures in the animation industry. Fujimoto himself has praised the anime adaption of his story by Oshiyama and Studio Durian, saying he was brought to tears by its sincerity. “It felt like I was watching through a camera the world in which Fujino and Kyomoto live,” Fujimoto said. “The animation and the voice actors’ performances were so natural and wonderful. I cried, thinking that I may never again in my life have my work created with such sincerity.”
Look Back Earns 100% Critic Score on Rotten Tomatoes
Rotten Tomatoes has Look Back at 100% positive reviews from critics and 99% approval from fans online. Despite the incredible reception to adapting one of Fujimoto’s most acclaimed stories, Oshiyama seemingly declined to direct an anime version of Goodbye, Eri — another short story by the creator of Chainsaw Man — believing that his directorial style wouldn’t match the book’s tone. This announcement was made during an in-person introduction at a Look Back screening in Burbank, California.
Look Back is based on the one-shot story published in Shonen Jump+ on July 2021. The film’s description reads: “Popular, outgoing Fujino is celebrated by her classmates for her funny comics in the class newspaper. One day, her teacher asks her to share the space with Kyomoto, a truant recluse whose beautiful artwork sparks a competitive fervor in Fujino. What starts as jealousy transforms when Fujino realizes their shared passion for drawing. Based on the acclaimed manga by Tatsuki Fujimoto, the creator of Chainsaw Man, Look Back captures the highs and lows of pursuing artistic excellence and the special bonds formed through creative collaboration. The heart-wrenching story is the stunning feature-length directorial debut from Kiyotaka Oshiyama that will leave you in tears and inspire you to chase your own artistic dreams.”