Dragon Ball Daima has delivered two devastating blows to the significance of Dragon Ball Super, a divisive entry in the franchise that Toriyama himself was displeased with during its initial airing. However, that doesn’t mean Dragon Ball Super is now non-canon (unlike Dragon Ball GT). The concept of 12 universes established in Dragon Ball Super still exists in Dragon Ball Daima. It’s also possible that Glorio, whom viewers still know so little about, could be clueless about the existence of the Super Dragon Balls. After all, he was blindsided by Goku’s ability to detect the Ki energy of others.
New episodes of Dragon Ball Daima air every Friday on Crunchyroll. The series description officially reads: “Goku and company were living peaceful lives when they suddenly turned small due to a conspiracy! When they discover that the reason for this may lie in a world known as the ‘Demon Realm,’ a mysterious young Majin named Glorio appears before them.”