Synopsis of Blue Exorcist, Anime About Exorcism – Anime Blue Exorcist or Ao no Exorcist is an animated series from Japan that aired in 2011. Blue Exorcist is adapted from the manga of the same title by Kazue Kato. The manga version of Blue Exorcist was published in Jump Square magazine published by Shuesha from 2009 to 2022 with a total of 28 volumes.
Apart from being adapted into an anime series , this manga was also adapted into a film entitled Blue Exorcist: The Movie which aired in 2012. The anime version of Blue Exorcist was directed by director Tensai Okumura and produced by studio A-1 Pictures. This Blue Exorcist animation is voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto, Jun Fukuyama, Tetsuya Kekihara, and many more. The voice of the main character of this anime is Nobuhiko Okamoto, who is already famous as a voice actor and singer.
The Blue Exorcist anime tells the story of Rin Okumura and his twin brother, Yukio Okumura, who were raised by a father named Shiro Fujimoto, an exorcist. Even though they are twins, Rin and Yukio have different appearances and characteristics. Yukio has a calmer character than Rin, he is also smart and good at sports. Meanwhile, Rin has characteristics that are inversely proportional to Yukio. One day, an angry Rin released a blue flame and made his father realize that the mark of the devil had been seen in Rin.
The father finally sealed Rin’s power using a sword. The sword must not be pulled out. If pulled out, Rin will become a complete devil. Then, Rin Okumura finds out that they are actually the children of the demon king in the world of Gehenna (demon world).
Another surprising fact is that it turns out that only Rin has devil powers, while Yukio is an ordinary human. This happened because when Yukio was in the womb, the baby was very weak and resisted the power of the devil. The demon king who is Rin’s father wants Rin to return to his world because he has plans to conquer Assiah.
However, Rin refused orders from the demon king and decided to become an exorcist like his father in this world (Assiah). Rin is diligently training to become an exorcist so he can defeat his father in the world of Gehenna. Rin also enrolled at True Cross Academy, a special school for exorcists. At this academy, Rin will meet his twin brother, Yukio, who turns out to be a veteran exorcist .
The two of them met again as teacher and student at the academy. Rin’s adventure as a demon slayer begins. So how will Rin and Yukio’s adventure continue?.
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