Synopsis of the anime Migi to Dali, tells of twins who want to take revenge on their mother’s killer – 14 November 2023 – This is the synopsis of the anime Migi to Dali which tells the story of twins who want revenge.
If you want to know the synopsis of the anime Migi to Dali which tells the story of twins who want revenge, you can read this article.
The following is a synopsis of the anime Migi to Dali which tells the story of twins who want revenge. Geek Toys Studio, Comptown is responsible for working on the Migi to Dali anime.
This anime is adapted from Nami Sano’s manga and will air in fall 2023. Migi to Dali anime is comedy, mystery, and seinen. Migi and Dali are the main characters.
Synopsis Migi to Dali
In Origon Village, a new city of Kobe built in 1990, there is a beautiful cityscape that resembles an American suburb.
The couple Osamu Sonoyama and his wife, who live in an elite housing complex, get along well, but they are lonely because they have no children.
The couple finally decided to take in an orphan from an orphanage facility after the age of 60. As soon as Mr. and Mrs. Sonoyama saw a handsome boy with beautiful blonde hair, they were struck by his intelligence and beauty.
The child was then given the name Sonoyama Hitori.
They love him like their own child. But the couple doesn’t know Hitori’s secret.He is a pair of twins whose real names are Migi and Dali. both have the same appearance. making full use of their appearance and acting as if they were one person.
Not only Sonoyama, but also everyone was deceived by Migi and Dali. Mr. and Mrs. Sonoyama, on the other hand, never doubted that “Hitori” was twins, and they were deeply moved by the joy of having a son. Migi and Dali grew up without knowing the love of their adoptive parents, so they still don’t really trust the couple.
However, Migi and Dali actually came to the Ogon village for a purpose that no one knows about. more precisely, finding the criminal who killed their mother, Metry, who died seven years ago in that village and wants revenge.
Well, that’s the synopsis of the anime Migi to Dali which tells the story of twins who want revenge on their mother’s killer.
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